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well that’s Abels try, let’s see zangiefs.

On a recent trip to California, we were on our way to Yosemite from San Francisco on the Interstate. Traffic was heavy and dozens of motorcyclists were doing lane-splitting. Our daughter, who lives in California, explained that it was legal. Well, traffic slowed down to a crawl and we got stuck for an hour in it.

Dude drives 240 miles a day, give him a break.

It goes from 0 to 60 in less than 6 seconds. If you want more power than that then Miata isn’t the answer. Maybe a Corvette, or a Challenge Hellcat is what you should look at.

how would zombie dinosaurs be any different than normal dinosaurs? this is the same reason I said it would be better to have normal predatory wildlife in survival games like DayZ instead of zombies.

I mean it’s a lot easier for Leno because he can read up on the history of each car.

Still can’t get over how sublime these integrated HVAC controls are.

Yeah this episode was depressing as hell. I refused to watch it again for a long time out of embarrassment for the U.S.

It is like a strange relationship with that game, while I was playing it I was in a bundle of nerves, stressed out, and the tension was insane..... but I kept coming back.

the first few times I played it, I made sure it was still daytime :P

Every time I see that gif, I laugh for a half hour straight.

That's an impressive first. Me like.

Now this is a man van! Seriously I would proudly dd this bad boy if the sold it

So obvious, yet such a beautiful idea.

Interesting, I never noticed that we did that, but we do.

Ah yes, add “the” in front of the highway number. It’s a SoCal thing. You can tell when radio and television ads running in NorCal are written by someone south of SLO.