
Yeah it was just a nusiance. Nixperience band all the way

After all this justified hate over the UI nobody has mentioned the god awful flying regalia controls or the Movement UI in pitioss. Lets say you are on the edge of a pillar and just want to reposition yourself with a slight tap of the analog stick...nope noctis launches himself off said pillar into the abyss.

Chocobo racing or movement is always terrible in almost every modern FF. Plagued with lag and unresponsive controls. The first jump you make with the chocobo in 15 does this weird on the spot jump. The fact we had to dismount chocobos to pick up items sucked. And on that same subject you cant pick items up in battle

Totally agree about the terrible god awful button mapping. I thought i was the only one it was happening to because nobody else was conplaining about it. You forgot one other mapping facepalm...sprint and attack. You are sprinting past enemies and all of a sudden noctis attacks...sigh