
@pekosROB: That true about the dreadlocks care products and the ease of gift giving. I'm sure that eventually some Christmas catalog 'just for hippies' will be created. I envision it as a sort of 'Lillian Hellman' meets 'The Whole Earth Catalog' thing. I think I'll give my hippie friends personalized rolling papers

@pekosROB: Exactly! While I'm on the hippie gift topic I think the omission of Birkenstocks was pretty lame. PLUS, isn't there a deluxe edition of the "Zappa on the toilet" poster. Now that I would like to have.

Silly Gizmodo, look again, that is obviously a poster for "Crazy Heart". Jeez, are you guys blind or what?

@pekosROB: All joshing aside, $600 for a vaporizer does strike me as more in the 'yuppie' world than the hippie one. There are perfectly good vaporizers that cost far less. Not that I would know first hand, but you know, one hears things.

@pekosROB: Woah, that's heavy man. I would have thought of that but I broke out the bong and spaced out listening to Dark Star.

Hey Gizmodo man, why is there no music by The Dead on your list? Not righteous, you better smoke another bowl.

@kitsuneconundrum: It didn't used to be the case. However in these days of "Us vs. Them, take no prisoners" they have become pretty evil. It's because the far right wing of the party is in control. Sadly, both sides will do pretty much anything, tell any lie to get elected. It's sad.

Gizmodo folks, Stuff like this is just plain kind of mean. Hey, it's your site and no one has to read something they don't like. But this kind of thing seems to me to be right on the edge of almost, well, "Fox-News-like". That's just my opinion though.

@hanchan07: You are right about them having a big effect on culture (if we can call it that). Ah, but I notice that you don't say it was a positive effect. But really, they ARE just films. Enjoyable, fun, etc. But not that big a deal.

@Cyb3r_Punk: Darn, I so want to be worthy of your acceptance. Please let me know when I can come out of the corner.

@rrbeck: Good point about employment. And 'no' you did not come off as an ass (as I hope I didn't, as well). I like the 1st 3 movies and saw the original on opening day in 1977. Heck, I even own the box set, DVDs of them. But I do think that SW has become "too big for it's britches" (so to speak). I think some

People, you're spending WAY too much time on Star Wars. They were just movies. Get a grip!

@Jordan Dunn: You might want to take a look at the Grado SR60i. They sell for $70 and I'm very happy with mine.

Pah, we have 24 linear feet of LP's & 2000+ CD's (not sure what the count would be). We always have something to listen to. These services mean nothing. We don't have any dingbat ads to contend with. I say, support the bands, buy their music and go see them play when they come to your town.

The commercials blasting at us is exactly the reason we love the Dolby Volume feature on our receiver (Arcam AVR600). Using Dolby volume keeps the volume level constant between the show we're watching and the commercials. We would never buy any receiver or processor that doesn't have Dolby Volume now that we've used

This is just plain sad. I'm going to don my Grado headphones and pretend I never read this (sigh).

@sickness: How true, how true. I'm always sad that so many people think Bose sells quality products. But they do think that. I know it's simply 40 years of advertising, but jeez, talk about the emperor's new clothes? They'll probably sell their wretched TV-thing to gobs of unsuspecting people. A pox upon you Bose!

Bose is a "great" marketing company. But the quality of their products is VERY poor. I expect that for the same price a person can get something better than Bose's offering.