newt ripley

“Spirituality” has made some of the most monumentously selfish people evangelically selfish. Selfishness as a religious experience. I’m all for self care and self love and no one loves a good boundry like I do. But if the road to your own bliss bisects the highway to Assholeville drive right by me

My ‘spiritual’ friend dumped me when I got chronically ill. Because it says so in The Secret, you shouldn’t consort with sick people because it will attract more sickness. Some spiritual people are sick in the head. Namaste cuntface!

As a fellow pastor in the Phoenix-metro area I’d like to officially say: go away. We don’t need you. There are already enough spiritually corrupt leaders who’ve harmed people.

so here’s a thing that: a lot of these informercial products with funny reaction shots of people messing up basic life moves are actually not really aimed at the majority of people. they’re for people with muscular and neural diseases of all stripes, the elderly, the neurodivergant/those on the spectrum. but the

Jesus may have cast out the peddlers and money changers in his day but now they own the church.

Ooo, somebody got a folksy makeover! I sincerely hope that his vast collection of Affliction tees and leather wrist cuffs were donated to underprivileged douchebags in need.

I just called to say I love you.

Thank you. We do it because it’s our job. There’s nothing wrong with that.

This is a really good article, and reminds me quite a bit about the debate I keep having with myself and others.

I come from a long line of do-gooders: teachers, social workers, organizers. My skills are more technical. So after years in the private sector, I was thrilled to land a job with a local foundation that’s been facilitating effective work for decades. Sure, I’d be making less money, but it was group with a mission I

Nice job Kara. This and a shout-out from Ta-Nehisi Coates himself.

Exactly. One of my very cynical great aunts used to always say that everything is selfish, including charitable work/giving. Her line of thinking was that even if we aren’t lauded or otherwise compensated for it, we do it out of an innate, insidious need to feel good about ourselves. When I was young, that was a huge

Yep. There’s a verse in the New Testament that reads in part: “There is none righteous—no, not one,” and it used to really discourage me. If there’s not one righteous person on the face of the planet what’s the point of going on, or even trying?

Which is why I think the ultimate cure for this is anonymity. Divorce one’s self entirely from the process of doing good. Remain unknown. Serve others and offer aid and do not allow your personality to intrude. I make my donations anonymously, I refuse all awards, decline interviews. If the work is paid work, I’ve

“Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.”

Well, but there’s consenting to something because you want to have sex with people for money (and if you do, great! You do you!) and consenting to something because you’re poor, or uneducated, or feeding an addition, or whatever and it’s the only prospect you have for making money. Is that actually consent and is that

The point is that often the women AREN’T consenting and I really doubt any man stops to find out or even care. And the wives of the johns aren’t consenting either — to either secret betrayal or sexually transmitted diseases that they’d never think to check for to treat.

Me. And I find it annoying when people say they are scared of clowns and then google a really scary one to show how scary they are — Not cool. But I am fantastically neurotic detrimentally anxious medicated for it. I get it with any kind of elaborate full face make up, masks, any costume where normal facial

I hate you and I love you for it.

Screw these guys.