newt ripley

Lena Dunham has talent as a writer, but some sort of negative talent when it comes to clothing. There are people who look bad in their clothing because they clearly don’t care enough to put more thought into what they wear than just grabbing some stuff that vaguely fits and then going with it. But Dunham very clearly

Possession is a film from a very particular time and place which, absolutely, cannot be recreated. This remake will be a polished, clean pastiche which will miss everything that made the original weird and ugly.

She thinks she’s reprocessing? I have an 18-year-old right now, so I watched A LOT of Victorious and Sam & Cat, and I’m trying to square that with her putting out album after album of songs about her wanting to bone down 24/7.

It’s truly satisfying to see someone who is such a piece of shit getting caught redhanded after so righteously claiming their innocence. 

Oh, man. The Cell is the only movie I ever reviewed for publication (a student newspaper, let’s be clear), and it was unreal. Like, the story wasn’t that interesting, but the vision of it was incredible. Just wild production value, beautiful costuming... frames of it have stuck with me since I saw it in the theater. I

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Tarsem Singh! One of the my favourite - and sadly, underrated and underemployed - directors slash cinematographers.

Since you’re including bands, then obviously Queen. Famously did the scores for Flash Gordon and Highlander.

Mark Knopfler, for crying out loud! The Princess Bride! Local Hero!

I will always think of Ronon Dex first when I think of Jason Momoa.

One of the things that keeps people silent is fear that the rest of the family will turn on them. Abusers pick their victims. It’s like some fucking radar.

I’ve always felt that Ben simply hates the paps. He was unrelentingly plagued by the paps during his alcoholism and failing marriage to Jen Garner. What we see in images of him is an absolute refusal to “smile” for the photographers: the exhausted visage of someone who simply feels harassed. I wouldn’t be surprised if

South Korean ex-pats living in the USA have the most nuanced take on this, and if you want to see it, I recommend looking through the pop culture subreddits.

I believe that if Azealia Banks came out today calling Musk and Grimes “methheads who smell like a roll of nickels”, the public discourse would be a lot different than it was only 4 years ago.

I wonder if he just used one of her eggs for the third child, and then otherwise kept her completely at arm’s length for the whole duration of the surrogate’s pregnancy.

Ok, I’ll bite, against my better judgment.

I always kind of scratch my head at Swift’s willingness to go public in such a big way so early in a relationship. Inviting so much public scrutiny into a relationship so early seems like the wrong way to build the foundation for a long-term thing. Like, it’s willful self-sabotage (if long-term is what she’s looking

Full disagree. That movie was screamingly funny. Hell, there’s a supercut of McKinnen doing outtakes that are all improv and they’re all absolutely hilarious. All four of the lead actresses were in amazing form. The problem was that people expected a full on Ghostbusters remake and they didn’t get it. Fuck ‘em.

Hi— as an autistic person who was diagnosed late in life, by recovery she means she is no longer masking and learning how to cope. It can also wreck your physical well-being and she has Elhers-Danlos syndrome which is a very underdiagnosed comorbid condition.

Not really. You can tell Musk controlled the narrative and rented the author. Anything revealed is stuff Musk wouldn’t mind people knowing. Otherwise he would’ve gone full scorched earth on this guy.

Smart but wrong. Numan was projecting a dehumanised science fictional vision of the technology he saw. I don't think he was claiming that his version of the world was some all-encompassing explanation of the universe any more than I believe Bowie really thought there was an alien demigod guitarist called Ziggy.