newt ripley

This is exactly what I thought about that movie. It’s like my 12-14 year old self was allowed to make a movie. “There’s this guy, and he’s hot, but like, part wolf, and he has magic roller skates, and there’s this girl and her life is super boring (newsflash, she’s me) and she gets whisked away on an epic adventure

Laverne Cox has an identical twin brother, who identifies as something along the lines of ‘queer’ but reeeally hates labels and definitely does not confine himself to “traditional” masculinity. It’s interesting how their different ways of identifying themselves seem to correspond with a different philosophical

Hahaha, I love the whole trilogy (okay, the first one the most though), but I really burst into laughter on reading this!

In what universe is The Daily Mail not a tabloid??


Over it. Over the rape. Over the constant teasing about something the audience saw coming five seconds after last year’s finale. Over the insistence we all pretend that this trailer isn’t a bunch of misdirection. Definitely over TV fans hoping other people will be spoiled. Frankly, the show has already sort of spoiled

omg, I’m so sorry about your mom. You and I had dramatically similar experiences, except for my mom it wasn’t cancer, it was a mysterious chronic illness. If we only had enough faith, she’d be healed...but I do have enough faith! ...don’t I? And on and on forever. Fun twist: I discovered in my late 20s that it wasn’t

Using myself and my friend group as anecdotal evidence of the mega-church we attended and the more than 2k teens who attended with us. Each of us are bachelors and masters holding, all older than 25, all having done at least one semester studying abroad and/or traveling on their own, all from the same religious

I’m 32, a virgin, and all those other things except Godly (atheist).

Yes. I didn’t have sex until I was 30. I wasn’t religious or conservative, just demisexual, and I take a long time to become attracted to someone. There’s nothing wrong with being this way, but our culture tends to reinforce the idea that there must be “something wrong” for not having sexual relationships by a certain

I was a virgin until I was 29. I was waiting for the right person- and I didn't meet him until later in life. It happens. Not that I hate on anyone who has sex sooner- sex is a personal decision and you should be able to do it whenever you want without people judging you.

I mean, it isn’t that unlikely. If you grew up in a religious, conservative home, or just prioritized your own career goals over dating, it’s completely reasonable. Personally, I left my own upbringing behind several years ago, but I haven’t had sex yet because dating feels like a waste of time when there’s Netflix

Ugh, that’s ROUGH. I take it you got the annoyed, “*tsk* You’ll make new friends, you’re not the only one who is leaving everything behind, why are you the only one who is being a pain about this?!?”

GOOD. I’m glad they are taking Sasha’s feelings into consideration. My family moved from my hometown while I was in high school. The move was absolutely necessary, something I knew even then. But my parents’ response to my fears about going to a different school was a lot of eye rolls and calling me a selfish wuss. It

He was used to that vitriol whilst a private citizen. Racism isn't anything new to black people in the Americas. I think it shocked white people, who thought the presidency ought to be treated with more respect. The reality is that race and racism are in the foundation of the Republic. Unless we have a time machine,

For all the hate, vitriol, subtle and overt racism that was aimed at this man over the last eight years, did he not handle it with uncommon grace and dignity? I never asked President Obama to be a perfect President, such a thing is an impossibility. But he played the long game, never panicked, never showed fluster,

As great as "Senior Year" Obama is, I love "Dad" Obama the most

I had a sexual assault incident when I was a teenager. I was on vacation with my family in Florida. I walked on a beach at night eating a candy bar. I was 15 looking for a party I was invited to earlier that day while sitting on the beach. No one was on the beach except a man was sitting at the edge of the water. He

They don’t need the money or the exposure. Should they be leaping at the chance to spend several days in close quarters with a Stepford wife religious fanatic? Team Olsen twins!

I have breast cancer. Back in November when I was first diagnosed, people were encouraging me to fight fight fight—a cognitive tool that did not resonate with me, as I am passive AF (and it’s my cancer, my narrative, anyway).