newt ripley

My wife once got an actual photograph of some guy’s boner slid under the apartment door. She and her roommate figured it was the creepy morning doorman of their building. She kept it because it was so comically large. Years later, I was trying to find a pen and I stumbled across it and she told me the story. This was

Do you also get the most incredulous faces? Like WHOA I AM A MAN YOU SEE ME RIGHT?

Attorney here, working with families involved with child welfare. I represent parents and children, and all my clients are indigent. This is so incredibly spot-on. After six years of seeing addiction, domestic violence, neglect, all varieties of abuse, mental illness, and myriad other problems, it’s clear to me the

Good. I’m a mid-senior level admin (5 years experience) at a Fortune 100 company and recently learned that an entry-level (just graduated a month ago) male admin is making the same amount as me.

Now playing

God, YES. This is some Aldious Snow ‘African Child’ shit.

I am *cringing* watching this shit. Just when I thought I couldn’t hate Coldplay anymore.

No one in their right mind would sign up (with) Bill Cosby for any business, or appoint Max Clifford as their publicist, so how the FUCK can Richardson still be in business?!

Uhhh, isn't emotional distress part of the job description when you decided to become a police officer? It is literally your job to handle distressing situations. It's also the defense apologetics use when explaining why it's okay for you to kill unarmed civilians. This is an extra step of awful.

Pity not the balls for they toll not for thee.

And Charlie Hunnam was just cast as a Mexican-American drug lord.

I’ve been waiting on the article on jez about this all fucking day. WHERE IS IT?

I know. I know. I have no words for that.

i hope chris rock doesn’t go quick and easy in his monologue. i want a whole bit, not just a line.

No. That was rightwing propaganda. What actually happened was that Michael Schiavo won a lawsuit against Terri Schiavo’s doctor, because she was in treatment for bulimia, or should have been, and then immediately placed that money in a trust for Terri. He could have touched it but he didn’t. And he offered her parents

It’s pretty fucking rich that people are cool with consuming and confronting slavery in the form of entertainment while gasping at the horror of it all, but refuse to budge when it comes to things like criminal justice reform, income inequality, etc., and acknowledging the lingering effects of a country built on the

Michael Schiavo was treated horribly and got the worst raw deal when the fucking congress intervened to collude with Terry’s parents’ denial and he was straight up demonized in the right wing press. It was monstrous how this whole thing was treated like a political football. I had to stop watching. There was something

I enjoyed this Jia. I also just want to say that I am a feminist and if people started sending me a bunch of sex toys in the mail me and all my feminist friends would be stoked. That shit is expensive.

I dunno. I think if everyone sent them ball gags, we’d be doing the world a favour.

Fuck cancer

Agreed! Also, Chris Carter was the pilot writer, he’s not my series favorite — his creative genius is undeniable but I've always felt some of his dialogue sounded stilted. Looking forward to forthcoming eps written by Darin Morgan, Glen Morgan, and James Wong.