God I just love her so much. I want to give her a hug and tell her it’s all going to be okay.
God I just love her so much. I want to give her a hug and tell her it’s all going to be okay.
It’s been a bit nippy on both coasts I see.
I love this speech and really admire Shonda Rhimes, while simultaneously not liking any of the shows she has created. Crazy? Don’t care.
Fuck you, Hollywood. Just ... fuck you. Right in your stupid ear. Leave my Labyrinth alone. My local indie theater ran four sold-out screenings after Bowie died, and having never seen it on the big screen (but a zillion times on small screens), I was thrilled to finally see Bowie and his Goblin King (*wink*) larger…
I’m a lesbian and when I watched Labyrinth for the first time last year I was just mesmerized. Like, I’ve never stared at a man’s junk like that before. I think its appeal crosses all boundaries of sexual orientation.
I don’t think we even have the capability to make so-called children’s films that were as scary and somewhat trippy as 80's movies were (The Neverending Story, Goonies, The Dark Crystal, etc). As a wussy kid all of these movies gave me nightmares, but I wanted to watch them anyways. I don't think we have a…
This guy, Macklemore? This is the kind of try-hard that I like.
I was just about to say she’s been fucking KILLING IT on prestige dramas for decades.
I was thinking this exact thing while reading. She definitely the bigger star.
It is especially fucked when you compare how much work Gillian has done since X-Files ended compared to what David has done. Woman has worked her ass off and deserves to be paid accordingly, for both experience and keeping her name out in front of the public. David was in Californiacation, and that’s about it.
I’ve been wanting to see that!
If you get an answer to this let me know. My ex was physically abusive on more than one occasion and STILL thinks that none of it was his fault. It’s disturbing.
Why is it so hard for people to say “I fucked up royally. I’m so angry and disappointed in myself. I hope she can forgive me some day, but I committed this disgusting act against her, for which there is no excuse, and deserve whatever is coming my way. I’m truly sorry to everyone who I’ve let down.” ???
There are no winners or losers but I am not a villain.
Keep your ‘lectric eye on me, babe! Put your ray gun to my head. Press your space face close to mine, love!
Just say Nona to drugs. Nevra do them. Especially not Roxxies. Or Krysta. You Nevaeh want to be known as “that” Kina girl.
Thank you! Maybe she should blame the war mongering members of her own damn party who are the real reason her son was there to begin with. *cough* Bush/ Cheney *cough cough*
She met him at 19. She was a dancer for his tour right after he stopped managing Aaliyah. She’s talked about how he was back then and how she figured he’d been with other women toward the end of their relationship but they had such a strong friendship that she didn’t see him being “out there” toward the beginning. She…
My family has been researched back just short of 300 years (on one side) and what we found was very interesting. On one side, we found many documents of slave ownership by direct descendants. The numbers were small (think small farm, not plantation) but still significant. This fact did not upset me, rather, it was how…