Chris Rock should absolutely not back out of hosting the Oscars. Give up an international podium to bust the Academy’s chops? That is not the kind of golden opportunity he should ignore!
Chris Rock should absolutely not back out of hosting the Oscars. Give up an international podium to bust the Academy’s chops? That is not the kind of golden opportunity he should ignore!
In Mexico they started calling Sean Penn Sean Penndajo and I can not stop calling him that now.
Chris shouldn’t back out of hosting the Oscars.
The Flint water scandal feels like it should be bigger news. A governor and his hand picked city manager poisoned, and possibly killed, people in the name of “fiscal conservatism.” This should be the leading story on the nightly news and on cable news until Snyder is arrested.
I’m unfortunately American, but plan to move to Canada. I’m not denying that Kenny is a total asshole and garbage person, but his pathos still make him somewhat rootable.
My fiance used that on me last night. I was going to tell her to quit using Rickyisms, but that would make me a hypoclit.
I got it from Trailer Park Boys. Watch that show enough, and you start using Rickyisms like “worst case Ontario” left and right.
absoultely nailed it. This goes for politics, the wider media the judiciary and the higher ranking university officials. Nearly always from private school education. The oxbridge mafia. Often americanswill think brits are class obsessed but when you’ve got a parliament near 80% dominated by people from the privilege…
Was it always in his mind to run away? (Probably. Wouldn’t it be in yours?) Or did it come after he was sent back to Mount Vernon? After Washington decided, “hey, you’re the best chef I’ve got but I’m going to send you back to the countryside and have you make bricks instead to show you I’m boss.” That’s how much…
The fact that Hercules and Delia are cheesing is the least of it.
Comments like these blithely assume that all people consider slavery inuversally terrible, and a deeply shameful part of American history, but this isn’t the reality at all. There are politicians who talk about the good that slavery did for black people and black families (!!!), and George Washington in particular is…
Can’t wait for Ganeshram’s next story about those great blankets the white man gave the Native Americans.
I think you’re giving the UK too much credit in terms of it’s diversity of appearance. But Elba is right that there’s a dearth of major roles for black and Asian actors, especially compared to the US. I’m not aware of all UK programming, but do they have any ongoing tv shows with a South Asian lead? The US, despite…
These are separate issues. Elba and and Okonedo are established talents. If they and others like them are only getting a couple scripts a year, that’s on the dearth of roles for and unwillingness to cast people of color, not their lack of Etonian pedigrees.
British TV is very diverse. They have every variety of white alcoholic police detective you can think of.
The last part bugs me. You see black people in British television way more than you see Indian and Pakistani people, even though the latter group is three times as large in the UK.
So, my initial gut reaction/assessment was right: a story about the Civil War centered around White
There are a lot of different issues combined here. Diversity on UK TV is not just about race. It’s increasingly difficult for working class actors to become successful, which affects BAME actors disproportionately but is not limited to them. The rise of the Old Etonians and Harrovians (Hugh Laurie, Damian Lewis,…
Is Snoop Dog O.K.?