newt ripley

My dad left my wife for a younger woman and announced the divorce without my mom around. He moved out of state. He sued his place of work once and caused a huge shitstorm. He didn’t go to my sisters wedding because he didn’t like the guy.

Thank you! I don’t know why we talk about “fight or flight” but never freeze, which is far more common.

“Freezing is a third fear response recognized in the field of psychology but, for some reason, missing from public discourse. Someone tries to put a hand on me; I’m uncomfortable, but I can’t move or speak. “No” is not clear.”…

Flipped through the video fully expecting to see titties bustin’ out all over

Between them, they basically defined haute douche.

He looks like he’s morphing into the evil twin version of himself.

Yeah, this squicks me the fuck out. I had Lyme Disease. It sucked. The neck pain is no joke and oh man, on the antibiotics for it I spent basically an entire month vomiting all fucking day long- I’m afraid to go back to the dentist now. My poor teeth. Before diagnoses and treatment I also had giardia, and then

Jezebel! You of all people should not be promoting the concept of hysteria in a complex diagnosis like Lyme disease. If only you knew how dangerous this was. This is coming from someone who was told I was ‘faking it’ before a CIDP diagnosis. COME ON!

They are! WHY NOT JUST POST THOSE. The women in the original portraits are all absolutely gorgeous.

Good lord this is headache-inducing. The original portraits are so gorgeous too...

See, I really liked Ex Machina, and ounce myself thinking about it long after I saw it. But damn if you didn’t nail this in the most scathing five-word review ever: “a tech bro’s wet dream.”

Yes to the special snowflake status but you live in a special utopian world that I’ve yet to join where it’s a easy for male, hell, a young black male at that, to wear a dress & feminine clothes just because he feels like it. Of course, his status & wealth insulate Jaden Smith from the backlash he might receive if he

Whatever, I’m here for it. I appreciate Willow and Jaden and their “weirdness”. I appreciate folks in the limelight who show the multiplicity of Blackness. We will have little Black kids who see themselves as weird/different/eccentric, who don’t fit their peers idea of what it means to be Black (and yes, this even

That was painful to listen to... I actually like a few Celine Dion songs, but this cover was terrible. She struggled with the low notes bc her voice is very nasal, then she went flat so many times... Not trying to be braggy, but I have perfect pitch, so I always hear *every * freaking mistake people make, and it’s

I love that all the Brits are here to comment and that comment is:

‘Navajo’ is today a generic descriptor for a particular category of design and style.’

Oh holy problematics, batman!

I always like it when my ethnic group is compared to Miller Lite, don’t you?

Great. Can I wrap a used tampon around the door to a gun shop?

The basic elements of the prequels are amazing, actually.