newt ripley

Is it time to invent some new source of mental health emergency assistance? A specific number you can call for a new hybrid mental health/armed security response unit that has specific training on deescalation and the requisite tools to subdue and detain.

I really hate when third parties (often with kind intentions) reflexively claim mental illness in these situations, since not all violent people are mentally ill, and not all mental illness makes one violent.

Accidental discharge = doesn’t utilize proper firearm techniques = negligent training

A+ for use of the passive voice, Chicago police. “The police shot and killed a mentally ill teenager and an unrelated woman” sounds a lot worse than “the accidental discharging of the officer’s weapon, resulting in the fatal wounding of two individuals.” Man, I hate it when my weapon just spontaneously discharges,

shoot first,make up answers later. unless you happen to be a crazed white guy involved in a completely irrational mass murder. then you’re gently escorted to jail, complete with a bulletproof vest, lest someone, i don’t know, trying to do the same shit to you that you just did. in those instances, justice must be

I love how molesting a bunch of little girls (mainly his sisters, one of whom was only 5) is not as bad as the cheating. Raise your hand if you’d much, much, rather you found out your spouse cheated on you than sexually abused a number of kids? I might be hurt about cheating, but I could see working past it. I would

Mariah Carey is Miss Piggy in human form.


1) I’ll probably vote for Hillary Clinton for a number of reasons, even though I dig Bernie and what he’s doing for lefty politics.

I used to think bad things happened because people didn’t know better.

Sadly, I understand where she is coming from, coming from a violent family and having worked with abuse survivors. They are friends, she has made her peace, and she doesn’t want to be associated with those stories. It’s her life and her story, but I don’t believe her.

It’s offensively hyperbolic, but my friend calls it “nerd black face” and that’s about the best description I have seen of it. Again, hyperbolic—it’s not as offensive as black face—but like black face, it uses a straw man mechanism to reinforce stereotypes. Every time I mention my nerdy interests somebody’s gotta be

“Look at me, I’m shaking,” is something I said to my family for an entire year. You do it because it is so upsetting. You do it because you know it’s not normal. You also do it because it feels so violent and strange but no one else seems to notice, so sometimes you’re checking that. Can anyone else see the shaking?

It’s become so hard for me to respect my brother and his husband because they like this show

As someone with one of these so-called “invisible” illnesses I really struggle when someone doesn’t believe that a person is sick when they say they are sick. It may very well be psychosomatic or some physical manifestation of depression, but it could also be one of dozens of diseases that are verrrrrryyyyy tricky to

I'm ambivalent. Watching someone enact Lyme Disease- whether authentic or exaggerated- is too painful for me to watch. I lived with it for two years before any doctors believed there was anything more than psychodynamic ally wrong with me. It's a beast to live with and she may well be dramatizing how bad she feels,

In a bout of ‘I have to know an absurd amount about Lyme disease for my job despite being a historian’, here we go:

I think Lyme Disease is a way more destructive disease than people realize, and that it does cause permanent irreversible damage if not caught soon enough. I also think the type of symptoms people experience fall into the “hard to believe” category.

I... I think I’m okay with this.

The U.S. healthcare system