newt ripley

Of interest: The porn industry is quicker to drop someone over allegations of rape than the NFL or NCAA.

We understand. Take the time you need...

And that would be applicable if I were talking about videos simulating consensual BDSM. I’m an advocate for sex positivity and have several amateur kink and pro domme friends; I am able to make the distinction.

I never understood the Deen love. Boyish smile or no, I’ve seen him in way too many videos that simulate rape, and I could never understand how someone who purports, even mildly, toward feminist self-identification could justify that.

As someone who was abused by a prominent member of the BDSM community and deleted my social media accounts because I couldn’t handle seeing him praised as a “feminist”, I’m awed by Stoya’s bravery. I hope she gets all the support she deserves.

Thanks for the simple act of listing this under terrorism. The gymnastics people are displaying to avoid that word/ definition of this act staggers my mind.

The drink special at the Viper Room was called the Phoenix?! Who thought that was a good idea?

This show is so perfect. They’ve made a superhero story where the villain is an abuser and the horror and terror is that he’ll hurt other people and never stop following Jessica. It’s managed to take something that women all over the world struggle with and shove it out into the forefront. Or the fact that Jessica’s

Purple Man is the douche who keeps telling random women to “smile” taken to the MOST extreme holy fucking shit. This show is amazing.

This is the best written show i have seen in years. There are level of meanings buried deep into it that i am still discovering. And the fact the center “love story” of the show is not Jessica and Luke. but Jessica and Trish is beyond awesome.

It’s weird, I’m not an atheist, but I have such a violent reaction to most religions now. MrStu and I get harangued about BabyStu being 2 and not baptized and I want to slap those people in the face. I want to scream, if God doesn’t love my kid because you didn’t smear oil on his head, he’s a dick. Instead, I tell

When Scalia said the Korematsu decision was in error, he also said, “you are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again.” Now it’s clear there are political leaders who will jump at the chance to do so. It didn’t even take an attack on U.S. soil this time.

Oooh, the famous “what happened” instead of “what my husband did.” The passive voice is a staple of this genre.

Fuck TLC, I hope that no one watches this show, or that advertisers refuse to pay for ads for it, but most of all I hope that some corporate fuck pulls their head out of their ass long enough to realize they could generate some good PR by providing the victims with enough money to cover the therapy they deserve.

Myhusband of 20+ yrs asked me to move out via email, while I was away at my sister’s last December. I moved into an apartment within three days and have been happier (with my new little adopted dog) than I can ever recall being before. It was such a freeing feeling, leaving behind so much junk, and oh yeah, him too,

This is why Godwin’s Law isn’t always a bad thing in my eyes. Sometimes, things CAN be analogous to Nazism and calling it out is apt and accurate.

I find it quite fishy that a suicide bomber was carrying around his passport containing his real identity, and that said passport was left unharmed and legible after being on his person when he detonated the bomb. I can’t be the only one questioning that, right?

Smart Person: Mr. Trump, your policies would cause more harm than good.

Absofuckinlutely. After my sexual assault, most of my friends: gas lighted me and told me I was making a big deal over nothing; acknowledged that it sucked but why hadn’t I forgiven him yet?; or just didn’t know what to do to help me and awkwardly avoided talking about it. It was an incredibly lonely and damaging time.