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I would like to thank The Soup for introducing me to the wonder that is Greg Kelly.

Mark, I love you, PLEASE DON’T LEAVE US.

I’m sorry. I had to.

I feel like Adele would use some very colorful language to describe her feelings for Trump, and I am eagerly awaiting them.

It really isn’t; the English language has already dropped singular pronouns in favor of plural (you rather than thou), and the whole “you should use he when referring to a singular third person unless you know you are referencing a female” didn’t sprout up as a hard grammatical rule until the 19th century (and this

You see? The free market has stepped up to fill the gravbbbblegar vbvvvvvvvvvbrraaaaaaaaaallllllllll

Agree 1000%. I take issue with his transphobia, obviously, but am on board with his sentiments that there had to have been many, many women more deserving of this award than Caitlyn Jenner, and giving her the award smacks of a publicity stunt.

Elie Weisel, author of the legendary Holocaust autobiography, Night, once reprimanded a letter writer by saying, essentially, “ I do not give you permission to compare your suffering to mine. Our suffering is relative, and fills our own cups up equally.” Which I think is the essential lesson here. Our lives and our

While it is true that Caitlyn Jenner transitioned with privileges that far too few trans* enjoy, I think responses like Mr. Smith’s make it pretty clear that transitioning is still an act of bravery.

It can both be true that Caitlyn Jenner is not deserving of the Woman of the Year, and that this guy is an asshole for calling her a man.

LMAO. How did an article that had ZERO to do with Jacobs still end up with a replay from the mother of all fashion conspiracies?

My goodness. Miley sure is shaking up my square, conformist mindset. Has anyone seen my envelopes? Because I think they’ve all been pushed.

So ... just give up on teaching men to value emotional labor, then? Hahahahaha, fuck that, no.

Honest bomb: I refused to do Thank You notes for our wedding unless my husband sat down and helped. I would have settled for an uneven split of the labor. A year later and only a handful of Thank You notes have gone out because I realized he had no intention of lifting a single finger even though he would often bemoan

It’s important to note that Daesh is a loose acronym but also a play on words in Arabic -an insulting term that originated amongst Syrians. The group calling itself the Islamic State hates that term. Furthermore, using ‘Daesh’ undermines the aspirations of the terrorist group to be recognized as a caliphate and state.

I see these guys as Elliot Rodger and Dylann Roof with more organization.

Are you folks going to report on the Beirut ISIL attacks or just the ones in France?

2016’s shaping up to be one more fucked up year in a string of fucked up years.

I blame the English language. It’s not Natasha’s fault that “All you can eat” can be singular or plural (and boo to Denny’s for taking advantage of the ambiguity). This wouldn’t have happened in Shakespeare’s day. When the tavern had an “All thou canst eat” special, everybody knew it only meant thee, not thy whole