This is some A-level white privilege shit.
Ima just continue my little rant because, yup, still fucking pissed.
First things first she’s the realest
I knew a comment like this would pop up here. It’s absolutely offensive and harmful. She TRICKED people, people who trusted her, into thinking she was black when she was not and she is profiting off of that. She is making money off of telling people how she experiences being a BLACK WOMAN.
Sadly, based on interviews she has given in the past, it sounds like she has had a very rough life. According to Rachel, her parents were abusive, and when she was an adult her parents adopted 3 young black children; around the same time, she began altering her appearance. Also around this same time, she allegedly was…
37 Ways To Live A More Meaningful Life by Eldritch
Translation: “Charlton is an abusive sack of rotting dicks, but as he’s paying me and I can’t technically lie, let’s just start arguing about the definition of the word abuse.”
“I have to say things that put my client in the best light, and he was too dumb to lie on the stand, so let’s say that hitting her isn’t abuse because he didn’t hit her all the time.”
SERIOUSLY! Like hello, Secretary?!
I think it looked pretty good here.
I’m right there with you.
I was pro-choice before I got pregnant, but pregnancy really cemented my belief that access to free and safe abortions is one of the most important issues today. NO ONE should have to go through a pregnancy if they don’t want to. People who say “put the baby up for adoption if you don’t want it” can go fuck…
True story. My sister once raised money to save the Brazilian Rain Forest despite the fact that she’s not, in fact, a marmoset.
So far this week, without even trying to investigate, these are things I’ve learned that groups of black people shouldn’t do in the United States:
I feel your mom. Yet, as a black woman, I recognize the yearning and freedom to take ownership of traditional (white) feminine traits for myself. Like, yasss, open the door for ME. My white girlfriends? “I can do it myself.” Me? I’mma stand here and let him FOR ONCE. Let ME be a stay-at-home-mom, not a “welfare queen”…
I actually don’t think it comes from a place of bigotry. My mother is one of these feminists and the thing to remember is that theirs is the generation that went to college and fought to have a job other than a secretary or nurse. They wore pants and had to fight tooth and nail to get traditionally men’s jobs. Mom mom…
Pretty sure Janeway is anti-abortion though.
Yes. For me, while I find that bakery’s attitude repugnant, it’s the same thing as if you walked in asking for a “Heil Hitler” cake—they have the right to say, “No, we don’t do that kind of cake here.” Which is different than if MrsPye and I walked in and said, “We want a wedding cake,” and the bakery—which made and…
I’ll support a Christian baker, and accept that they are Christian, when they also require of their customers documents proving that the cake is for a first marriage. The baker should also lie detector test their customers for infidelity and other offenses actually covered by the Ten Commandments. Until they do this,…