newt ripley

From day one of the Jedophile Duggar Apology Tour, in which no actual apologies have been made, the molester has yet to be seen or heard from, and the victims have been forced to minimize and justify the actions of the person who hurt them - from day fricking one I have been waiting to hear if the victims have

“The women both also confirmed that their parents had put locks on the doors, preventing Josh from entering the girls’ room.”

But if they had gotten help from outside, then they would have been told that the molestation wasn’t their fault, and then they would have had to think about why their parents- the people they trusted!- had told them that being touched WAS all their fault and then they would have thought about what other things they

Forgiveness does NOT mean absolving someone of all culpability, nor does it mean letting them off the hook for the consequences of their actions. The family should have been investigated by CPS and the girls should have gotten help from therapists who were OUTSIDE of the community. Josh should have gotten help as

It just further confirms how removed from mainstream society they are that they would think his natural curiosity expressed in such a detrimental way was at all “normal.” It’s not. I guarantee that almost all boys are curious about sex and sexuality at 14, but I can also safely assume that MOST of them do not rape or

Yeah, they probably need to lock that thing down, because I’m having too much fun with it.

She’s making the same face to Giant Blabbering Dildo that my parents’ dog makes if she’s wondering if you know that she’s thinking about stealing some of the barbequed meat off the serving plate on the counter.

More like:

Pure speculation on my part, but.

K-Pop is rough. It’s obvious that they steal a lot from black hip hop and rap culture, for an audience who can go from hero worship of black entertainers and the idea of intrinsic black coolness, to shitting on actual black people. I’m actually a black fan of there’s. My friend who turned me on to them is Korean

My bible skills are a little rusty, but I think it was in the Gospel of Matthew where Jesus said “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink...”

Now playing

Damn that was pretty good. It’s been a month or 2 and I still cant get over this one...

“You better make sure you’ve got America’s collective boner in mind before you dare try to find happiness for yourself.”

Once again Stewart is on point. All during the lead up to this the one thing i kept hearing over and over again was “Boy, he’s going to be an ugly woman.” As if the fact that she was finally going to be able to live how she was always meant to, that she was free of the burden of being in the wrong body. Nope, that

You want to help cancer patients? Show up at their house and run some laundry or take the trash out or do the dishes or pick up their bedroom, which they’ve pretty much been living in during treatment.

Mark, I agree with every damn word of this article, which is not something I always say about your stuff. Breast cancer patient RIGHT here, used to have a fantastic rack. Not even a tiny bit charmed by this thinly-veiled BonerQuest dressed up like cancer awareness.

Same. I grew up doing it without knowing what it was (besides AWESOME AS SHIT) until I turned thirteen and we were given the Sex is Evil speech in my church youth group and how masturbation was really freaking bad and made you less worthy, and I spent years thinking I was a shameful sinner but being too embarrassed to

Can’t do it. I only have one tit. Thanks, cancer!

I attended a seminar led by a trans man and trans woman about mental health issues (I’m a psychology researcher). The issue of cis beauty standards really stuck with me- the idea that while some transgender choose to embrace cisnormative appearance, not all can or want to. I’ve seen a good number online articles on

But what I think they meant is that in certain lighting, at certain angles I am able to embody certain cisnormative beauty standards.”