newt ripley

New Line of Dolls For Kids With Disabilities is Created After Campaign

No, she’s correct. US and European chattel slavery was a different system historically than any sort of slavery that preceded it. It was a lifetime thing, it worked along racial lines and it was a heritable trait.

She didn’t say we invented slavery, but that we invented one of the worst and most distinct forms of it.

No. It’s pretty true. They didn’t invent slavery per se, but chattel slavery and the idea that you were a slave for life and it was a heritable trait, is distinctly European and American.

No clue about the St. Patrick’s day thing.

She was speaking not of slavery overall but of the specific type of slavery created in the Americas. Slavery overall has been a “lost a war, battle or owed money” sort of class. you got there due in some part to your actions or that of your family or social group. Slavery was a codition of an act like not paying one’s

American slavery is unique from other systems of slavery throughout history in that it took a legal/economic class—slaves—and racialized it such that black came to mean slave. America wrote racialized slavery into law (one drop rule and 3/5 clause) and forced complicity upon free populations and states through

I see no problem with these tweets, however I’m well aware of the context and perspective from which she speaks. Her biggest problem (not really) is the America-centricness of the tweets, but she’s a Black woman in America so I can’t be mad at that. White people are so sensitive. And that St. Patrick’s Day tweet has

It’s strange that almost every article that discusses Grundy’s tweets doesn’t actually show them. Here they are for those that are curious:

Slavery as we think of it now WAS a European invention. Many societies around the world have had something called ‘slavery,’ but none of them are at all analogous to chattel slavery as it was practiced by colonial powers in the Americas. I know people like to say, “But they were already doing it in Africa before we

Donald Glover (who I like a lot, actually) subscribes to the “New Blackness” rhetoric. As does Jaden Smith (not surprising).

Chris Rock’s documentation of his being stopped by the police for driving while black seems like a pretty strong argument against some part of the “New Black” idea.

She’s not that ugly. Way hotter than Amy Shumer for example. I hear the jury’s still out on that one.

How could anyone not believe that? You have to like live under a rock and also not know any history. Dude, One in FOUR Asian men are direct descendants of Genghis Khan. Direct, not even like an uncle or cousin. Genghis Khan himself fucked one of their ancestors, and you can pretty much bet most of those encounters

The system in this country is not broken. It is working exactly as designed.

The same insane people that keep saying that Obummer is ruining everything and nobody has any money anymore donate to the pizza bigots and the killer cops and want the govmunt take away food stamps from the needy. This is my species ladies and gentlemen! Aren’t we all proud?

Would have been nice if the GoFundMe page was posted:

Here here, Let us bring about a new society founded on the vast wealth the rich have so kindly collected for us. All the capital needed to repair our failing infrastructure kindly gathered up in one place!

Working title: The Blade

Fuck that shit. They should sue. Because you know if it was some white women, not only would they receive payouts in the millions, there would be at 3 mother fucking congressional hearing on the matter.