newt ripley

No. He sings “Cream.”

Yes, we can describe poverty through the lens of social psychology—-a social psychology that views black bodies as demons.

Cops HATE Her! Baltimore Prosecutor Holds People Responsible for Killing a Guy With This One Weird Trick.

in an ironic turn of events, the police union is now demanding an “independent prosecutor”

“I do not cry over broken windows, I cry over broken necks.”

I’ve never been happier that I didn’t un-hide my St. Louis area family on FB than I am now that it’s happening in my area. I do not cry over broken windows, I cry over broken necks.

Because the Baltimore City Police Department lost 109 officers in the last year to gang violence. Oh wait, no, the city lost 109 citizens to police.

And another reason, people should be able to deviate from current, ridiculously narrow, gender roles without everyone immediately questioning their gender identity or sexuality. Nothing Bruce did publicly prior to this interview should be considered out of bounds for hetero cismen.

Agreed, 100%. Not only does everyone get to decide who they are without anyone telling them they’re wrong, they also get to decide the pace of their process without anyone chivvying them along. Is that really so hard?

The reactions of Bruce’s family are bringing tears to my eyes. The Kardashians and Jenner's have really impressed me with their level of encouragement and support. I'm looking forward to watching the whole interview.

I recorded the interview and watched it this morning-you guys, I was balling, and felt oddly patriotic. It was like I was watching history being made.

I don’t want to make this about me but .. two days ago, I told someone off for using the word tran*y and was instead subjected to more transphobic commentary, and this was someone who I was close to, and I was coming out to them. I identify as genderqueer and this interview & along with what I had to go through two

“Do What U Want” is worse. Tyson served jail time: Terry Richardson has never seen the inside of a courtroom, and R. Kelly raped several little girls (and even married one) and never saw a cell.

Many of us have put up with crap jobs where we were not treated with respect because we needed the money and I always felt shitty and demoralized by the experience. It must be 100 times worse to endure personal disrespect AND the degradation of your community and your people’s history. Good for all of the actors for

Most Native Americans are simply that poor. If you break down poverty by race, they tend to have the highest percentage in America, hands down. They just don’t complain about it because the U.S. has a history of attempted genocide whenever Native Americans complain about being treated like shit.

Why block out the twitter user’s name? I think that sending rape threats is a legit reason to get called out in a public forum. Does your boss at Shakey’s pizza know that is what you fantasize doing with that cheesegrater? Does your mom? Does that one girlfriend you had that one time for about 2 weeks 5 years ago

Why block his name? Shame the motherfucker.

F-ing sad, and I get why they’re staying.

Gross. They mention in the Indian Country Today article that many of them will stay and take the shitty treatment because they need the job. I recently watched Reel Injun on Netflix, and it’s appalling that Hollywood can still get away with such blatant disrespect and racism. But people will tell them “Lighten up!