newt ripley

Well, as for me, I don’t even see gender. I mean a movie can star a man, a woman, a banana, a 1978 Datsun, the sandwich platter I ate for dinner on Saturday with the weird pink cream cheese, a litter of cats, a purple of dragon—just about anything. I think the misandry against men in the movie industry needs to end.

Real talk what this old hypocrite is really saying is don’t dress so feminine. Gender expression policing is boring, annoying and founded on mysoginy. When people get all uppity about “men being men” what they are really saying is their box of gender binary reality is falling apart and they can’t handle it. Not

I’m with him. I’m sick of the way fruity guys dress all fruity these days. We should be more manly and dress like construction workers, police officers, bikers, cowboys or even Indian chiefs.

Crouching Christianity, Creeping Sharia

It’s all right to be Christian, but cut it out with that actual Christ-Like behavior, you hear?

I kinda don’t even want to talk about this, but I feel like I have a responsibility to if anyone out there who might be like me and might read this.

Pain is fascinating and can be so strong that the emotional impact is wide spread. I injured my back in 1999 and was told to take tylenol and a hot bath. Another doctor told me to lay on a board for 24 hours and not get up. Another told me to lose thirty pounds as quickly as possible. Months and months went by with

This is likely because people in the fibro community are coming to terms with the fact that their pain and inflammation is caused by underlying immunological dysfunction, hormone problems and stealth pathogens with poor testing, like lyme disease. I wasted years of my life listening to doctors who told me my lyme was

Fibromyalgia is very definitely a physical disease.

That sucks. It was a really weird disease. At the peak of it, I slept for 2 days straight, and at one point I was driving around my neighborhood and I couldn’t remember how to leave. I got lost for about 20 minutes and was like, “Well...clearly I shouldn’t be driving”. haha.

I guess since it isn’t common here in

My aunt “has” Morgellons. I “had” something similar in 2010. I was obsessed with ingrown hairs, to the point that I believed I had almost twice as much hair as I actually had, but it was ‘trapped’ under the skin of my scalp and therefore I had to free it with my fingernails. I waxed all the skin off my chin because I

Or maybe this is not an either or scenario. After all, psychiatric illnesses are physiological in origin. Ever since I read an NIH article that described symptoms of somaticized illness as physiologically real but “wasting” billions of dollars, I feel like people who characterized undiagnosed illnesses this way can go

I have long suffered with mental illness, but, I recently started getting seizures. They started after a concussion. I received test after test, and they came back negative. I stayed weeks in various hospitals.

But it often is physical in a sense. If you were to do an MRI on these people’s brain, you can see that they’re experiencing pain. It seems real because it is real.

Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope. For a destination.

I guess you could say

It’s about ethics in sausage making.

In a Wednesday press conference, Arpaio noted that the settlement was a good business decision since the girl’s family had initially sued for $30 million.

This could be about Lily Tomlin’s friendship with drying paint and I’d still watch the fuck out of it.

Thank goodness these brave men are willing to take on this myth. Likewise, I’d like to take on another thing that I know is a myth because it’s never happened to me: Murder. I mean, sometimes they say someone has been murdered, but they never find a body or no one actually saw it happen, so obviously there’s no