newt ripley

I don't mean to make your day worse, but this local news from the summer has been making rounds on my FB, for anyone who wants to contrast Wilson's treatment with how Bob McCullough treats black police officers:…

Well we can't have white men being lightly bruised now can we?!?!??!

It's like George Zimmerman all over again. That's the injury? Fuck me.

I mean their cult leader who they've been pictured with has been ousted as a sexual predator and they're still on the air... But ratings have been huge lately so I don't see TLC canceling any time soon.

Whatever the final catalyst is, I'm for it. Fuck their dumbass Quiverfull bullshit up the ziggy with a waa-waa brush.

homosexuals launched a very frightening and fast-growing petition

Don't let the homosexuals bite you and don't feed them after midnight.

Lolz, can we please simultaneously laugh and bawl our eyes out at the comments from the linked article?

When I first saw the title, I immediately thought of this:

i had almost forgotten about nickleback. and this is how you remind me.

I think the most romantic thing I've ever seen is when the Prince's buddy neighed at Drew Barrymore's friend. I just want to find someone who will neigh at me over a buffet while my normal friends are wearing knockout fairy dresses and making princes weak at the knees!!

The scene where Drew Barrymore is walking out of that asshole's castle because she FUCKING SAVED HERSELF while whats-his-name was riding up to "rescue" her was a defining moment for my budding feminist self. EVER AFTER 4 EVA.

Yeah there is no way they can top that version. LEONARDO DA VINCI IS HER FAIRY GODMOTHER YOU CANNOT TOP THAT.

Also, there was already an awesome live-action Cinderella movie and it was called Ever After and no matter how delightfully insane this cast is EVER AFTER WILL ALWAYS BE FIRST IN MY HEART.

A list of ways to keep the Christ in Christmas:
1. Work with the homeless population
2. Volunteer at a food pantry
3. Invite marginalized groups to share their stories and participate in your congregation

A list of things that do not keep the Christ in Christmas:
1. Buying shit

yes! an authentic Christian would want to dial down the consumerism, stop decorating with santas / put up more nativities, and generally keep it simple. the movie sounds like an excuse to continue being incredibly materialistic and greedy. he is DEFENDING the excessive gift giving? wtf? that's not trying to "bring

Materialism is actually a fascinating concept. The eternal God took on a material body, something we can touch and see. That's a miracle! And so it's right that our Christmas isn't just some religious idea in our heads and in our hearts that we think about and get goosebumps over. It should be able to download into

Here we see someone conflating the concept of hypostatic union with that of economic materialism.