Look at Abbott sucking up to Poot Poot with koalas. A few weeks ago he was threatening to shirt-front him. Sook.
Look at Abbott sucking up to Poot Poot with koalas. A few weeks ago he was threatening to shirt-front him. Sook.
I'm of the mind that if you think women should be ladies then you must provide a castle,a throne, and some big ass jewelry.
Hey, did you hear about Kim Kardashian's butt on the cover of Paper magazine?
Yes, definitely. It reminds me even more of the Rolf Harris scandal, as both Harris and Cosby had that 'lovable grandpa' image going on until very recently, which Saville never really did. I see a lot of the same kind of shock in posts here that I saw from kids who grew up watching Harris' art shows.
We *have* to have men stand up to their fellow men about this. Men who rape do *not* respect women, they will not listen to us and they will not hear anything we say. Pressure from our feminist male allies is the strongest weapon we have to put pressure on this kind of rapist and to force otherwise good men who have…
It doesn't sound to me like she was being The Worst. More likely, she just doesn't realize how that statement could be hurtful, because she was simply trying be self-deprecating, and dismissing the idea of having had an eating disorder while trying not to insult those who do have one. I know she did a crap job of…
Kind of long, but a good bystander intervention video:
As someone who strongly believes we need more women and POC directing movies, I'd like to point out that Beyond the Lights currently has a 91% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes so please get out there and support this film written and directed by Gina Prince-Bythewood.
Not so much "awful" as "bafflingly stupid", but while I was in the process of divorcing my first husband, his attorney called me up and left a long-winded threatening message on my answering machine. Yeah, the kind with a tape.
Because the left/moderates are unmotivated/unconvinced, respectively. This is the kind of shit that needs to be plastered on tv's, radios, newspapers, et al during campaigns to show how dangerous the conservative agenda is. The left needs to stop being afraid of criticism and start doubling down on hyperbole (a tactic…
This is horrific and disgusting. It's the stuff of nightmares. How are we allowing this to happen? Goddammit, we are LOSING. How does a cluster of cells have more rights than a living, breathing, thinking woman?
Yup. Been there, and had to cut mine off as well, after years and years of trying to help, and tens of thousands of my hard-earned, barely middle class dollars going down that bottomless hole. (But I'm lying about that, or so I hear through the grapevine. I never gave her anything. Glad I have the bank statements.) …
This is my situation with my Dad. When I finally labeled him a narcissist, it was like the clouds parted, I was able to see him so clearly. I am not as frustrated anymore as when I thought he was a healthy minded person. Now I know he has a problem for real. And it explains so much of his behavior when I was growing…
I imagine it isn't discussed a lot because people with NPD don't feel they have a disorder, so they don't see a psychologist or psychiatrist. My therapist told me that if she ever sees a narcissist for a session (rarely), they almost never come back again, and if they do, it's no more than like 2 more sessions.
I was…
People with NPD are batshit and horrible to deal with. I'm glad you made a move. My father has a raging case of NPD: the world is against him, pits people against one other, volatile personal relationships, all the greatest hits. Every interaction with him is nothing short of infuriating because he continuously tries…
And then they waited outside the bed chamber until the blood stained sheets were produced.
Why are we acting like this is only about her touching her 1 year old sister's vagina when she was 7 and not also about emotionally coercing her sister into sleeping in her bed and then masturbating while she sleeps? And about paying her sister in candy to give her long kisses on the lips? And about paying her sister…