NOT DEAD but had to use a search engine to find out:
NOT DEAD but had to use a search engine to find out:
i half expect a bunch of these poor detainees to be located in sweatshops and brothels, nail salons and slaughterhouses having generated millions in $$ and covid relief business loans for their ‘rogue’ ICE empleyees.
i’m heartbroken, been following since almost a decade, her pop culture critique was always spot on.
She was just fine in Chasing Life. She stood out as less wooden than half the cast. I think having to play someone written in an unnatural way makes the performance a lot harder. Also it’s Freeform so the scripts are banged out like clockwork and everyone’s on set 15 hours a day.
pissed me off because the actress is lovely and they had to go make her some sort of Sapphire caricature.
well that aged like milk. lowtax cancelled.
That’s some True Detective S1 occulty wierdness *shudders*
My patron saints of the internet are St Alan Turing for coding while gay and neurodivergent, St Grace hopper for coding while black, female and in the army no less, it’s the nerdy folks who are keeping the machines behind the internet running and curious curators who keep it interesting. Still alive but may deserve…
I was certain it was ten ai a-jii aka Tenessee
351 days in a row touring. These young men lived their teens on camera and perform at all times even in their shared home. You can admire them and find their conditions akin to a dancing bear on a chain. I hope they start breaking the mold for better contracts , a few days off and more freedom to just exist outside of…
I think it’s Tenessee. X as in ten, ae a, xii as in xee
10bux says it’s Ten ae a-XII aka Tennessee Musk
I think she’s made it obvious she wants the critical respect given to FKA Twigs without putting in the cultural work of FKA Twigs (who spent a year learning pole dancing to do it justice)
Lol she gives herself away with the FKA twigs mention, she’s probably wildly jealous that Twigs has just released a critically acclaimed EP about vunerability that is right in Lana’s moody niche. But the idea that black artists aren’t representing fragility and ‘damage’ is absurd. My go to is Food by Kelis but did…
I really wish the movie had taken an extra 45 seconds to dwell on the decor of Jame Gumb’s basement which fills in a lot of backstory. You have pictures of his dalliances with various different subcultures including nazis. To someone with trans friends (or a modern cultural acceptance of trans people) when i first saw…
Now for the best viewing experience I recommend:
I have very mixed emotions about Kylie, she was just a kid when her family started broadcasting her life without her informed consent, she had a bunch of surgery and semi-surgery to transform herself into Kim, ended up with a *terrible* boyfriend. They really should have sent her off to boarding school in europe or…
They signed the original (often decades long) contracts as young teens. They were formed in 2010. They’ve been working non stop for ten years. The oldest is 27, the youngest 22. They’re exclusively owned by their company until 2026 excluding their mandatory military service.