newt ripley

are we going to talk about the working conditions for these kids? They just worked 3 days solid and probably on four hours sleep for this promo content. They live in an appartment together (only one has his own place) and have to be ready to produce content for social media at any time when they’re not rehearsing or

to clarify: I would 100% watch talent shows if they were staffed entirely by total experts in their fields but instead they gotta create “storylines” and sex it up by having judges with “characters” instead of 3 Harry Connick Jrs wincing everytime someone snakes their way not quite up to the right note AND off tempo,

she might have zero qualifications wrt to voguing but she was a tv presenter specializing in music before her current gig and she’s good at all the filler/asking decent questions. might have factored in a little. Tv has to be watchable which is why they choose the judges for the various talent shows based on

they’re moving to canada because england’s gone nutso and as a fellow brit I strongly agree

according to twitter: G Easy cheated on her. He’s a not that great rapper

I find it exploitative and midly disturbing to use old footage of her when she’s not around to agree to the script.

I laughed out loud at “best in the business at creating big-budget, widely appealing franchises” because JJAbrams is just behind Moffat in best in the business at ruining characters people care about. From Alias to Lost to Star Trek to Star Wars: the guy likes to toss aside any logical character development in favour

Now playing

Here’s it’s opposite: equally sweary . Crudbump aka Drewtoothpaste with F you if you don’t like christmas

agreed. this is trash journalism.

exactly, where are people getting minimalism from? she never says to get rid of stuff unless that stuff is in the way of you being happy and productive. This is racist as hell, she literally tells people to cherish their beloved junk but we’re gonna talk over the little foreign lady and say she wants us to go full

Thankyou for writing about these women artists with respect and not the usual “eww” derision. The dolls might be uncanny but the craft is incredible and there’s always a person behind the work.

Even if you play with gummy bears you’ll end up in a coma.

I came to the replies to see the dunking on Moffat: his terribly written female characters, the queerbaiting and general fanhating. He literally wrote a lesbian turned straight for Sherlock and an episode mocking fans who wanted to solve mysteries he set up in the story.

yup we can tell when dad’s hypomanic because he fills his emails/online postings with spiritual-ish talk. Last time it was old school anglican speak, before that it was evangelical speak, before that... Let’s just say that Kanye’s heading right for mania and hospitalisation again.

it’s dumber, they fought over some real estate and epstein won. he didn’t break ties with him for being a perv but because he hates losing.

shame to have not called it stan (devon sawa starred in eminem’s music video)

need a better beat to be solid but it’s got the potential to be a killer remix.

yeah I have a friend who gets ECT for serotonin deficiency every three years or so to “reset” her brain because anti depressors alone aren’t enough to keep her living. It’s not the 60s anymore, it’s a standard easy painless procedure with some mild memory loss.

Anorexia nervosa has an estimated mortality rate of around 10%.