Maybe Zuck is from Betelgeuse.
Maybe Zuck is from Betelgeuse.
I should add, there’s a pretty popular quote saying “when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carry the cross [or the Bible]” and it often gets attributed to Sinclair Lewis, but he never said it.
Bad people have tried to claim legitimacy through the flag long before Trump. For example, this is from 1923:
Y’all managed to pull down Victoria and Elizabeth’s statues, so that’s something, right?
I hadn’t seen that. So I looked it up. Oh. My. God. I was both horrified and dying of laughter at the same time.
Government cheese is socialism. Not gonna happen with the intended crowd.
They learned their lesson.
Never mind his dumbass take, but is the bill only for building more roads and bridges? Don’t lawmakers know that more roads actually lead to more congestion? Does this bill allow for a wholesale rethink of transportation issues instead?
One of Trump’s favorite legal tactics is to run out the clock, and he used every lever of government at his disposal to keeps these revelations out of sight for the length of his term. We’re lucky that enough Americans came to their senses in 2020, or we’d have another four years of this darkness.
Meanwhile, the fucker wanted to ship COVID patients off to Gitmo.
Somebody recently wondered out loud (on social media) what people did before air conditioning. I responded “probably quite a bit of opium”.
Why is there a Texas flag in the basketball court? What about the Bud Light flag? Does Pence drink?
If they’re going to name the kid after the queen, they should’ve gone with Betty. Archie and Betty, a natural pairing.
Literal carcasses, as I just mentioned.
Hey, you missed the skeletons that just came out of their closet.
“couche,” which is used to describe “a piece of furniture with no arms used for lying.”
Walking between 100-129 steps per minute counts as moderate exercise, and 130 or above as vigorous. The two studies below cover ages 21-40 and 41-60, respectively, and the results are consistent with both groups:
Wow, lucky you. All the couches I like cost as much as a car, which is why I don’t have a couch.
Apparently the New York Times can see into the future now, because a week ago it published a story on the global fertility decline, and here we are today with a new Chinese policy trying to turn the tide. Anyway, regarding what you said,
I don’t see what the Boxer Rebellion has to do with anything. It certainly wasn’t a result of any Chinese Communist Party decisions.