Just look at this stoop-headed man dragging himself to his own inauguration. This is not a picture of someone in “astonishingly excellent” health, and he sure hasn’t gotten any fitter in the two years since.
Just look at this stoop-headed man dragging himself to his own inauguration. This is not a picture of someone in “astonishingly excellent” health, and he sure hasn’t gotten any fitter in the two years since.
Yup. Even with all of Trump’s disdain for self-reflection, I think that deep inside him there’s still a sense that he just doesn’t measure up. It’s the same reason for all of his attacks on McCain. Cadet Bone Spurs employs bluster to mask feeling of inadequacy.
Camacho can at least recognize and appreciate someone who’s smarter than him. Trump is incapable of even that.
you need them to function properly at your job without being seen like you have no respect for the profession
If she’s so poor, how could she afford clothes at all?!?? She should run around naked! Especially in front of me! Yeah! *fap*fap*fap*
Are there parallels we can draw here with the Watergate Babies of 1974?
Well Trump certainly puts the “id” in president, that’s for sure.
Oh, I just understood your comment. Heh.
Actually, they do prefer Audis (but the Allroad).
The Root is on it.
Donald Trump, too, was very curious, despite the fact that he appointed him and also watched him on TV.
they all have plugged holes in the bumpers that used to house flashing LED lights
Dallas will offer free bus/train rides on election day if you have a valid voter registration card. dart.org
“John McCain is not a hero because he was caught. I like people who weren’t caught.”
If the word “vision” can be applied to someone as small-minded as Trump, then his vision of America is not one of freedom, but of a nation in lockdown.
Never trust anyone whose name spells the same backwards or forwards.
I like how “No. 1” is positioned immediately under “President Trump” in the same text size and color so the eyes naturally draw them together. Whatever staffer figured out this ego-flattering bit of visual trickery deserves a raise.
It’s part of their plan. Wreck the government so they can gut programs that benefit poor people.
The question I have is: is this the original? Or did Trump just buy a print/ standard copy from Thomas’s website? How did it all go down? Did he tell someone to order it for him?
So I looked through some of this guy’s other works. This is “art” on the level of the Dogs Playing Poker paintings.