Rochelle Rochelle

Makes sense, I guess it's just as simple as that. Thanks for your insight.

May I ask, what exactly did you do for which you were being told to fuck yourself? Also, kudos on being able to shrug it off, I'm sure it can get taxing on the soul.

Yes! Well said. Good analysis on djt.

I really like this post for your honest self-reflection, and for expanding personally on the "fuck 2016" shortcut - the roller coaster this year has been - personal ups and downs, a horribly stressful and upsetting year in political and global news, and the loss of life of talented entertainers feeling perhaps more

That gave me a good, cathartic belly laugh. Thanks!

Have you? I'd never heard that particular conjugation. :) It reminds me of Jessie Jackson's "hymies" and "Hymietown" during his 1984 presidential run (which he later atoned for), which was a very big deal at the time. That's why I said throwback. But still, in my almost 50 years on the planet, I still get shocked by

Holy crap! That was quite a rant. I'll give points for the semi-original-slash-throwback "Hymiewood," at least.

You're so cute, Cookie!

May Grandma Cookie continue to live in good health!

Reluctant Oy-vote.

Huh. I did not know that. Thanks for that tidbit!

The one that makes me sick is when he makes a point and then bares his bottom teeth and slurps air through them. My whole body wants to vomit.

I really, really hope you're right.


Spot on!

I thought it clear that I wasn't mentioning it for any perjorative purposes, but I'll explain just in case. I thought it was an interesting factoid, as it stands in contrast to thinking of him as the well-known character Babu (the topic of this article). If I'd known of Mr. George because he said "Good Shabbas" to me

And he's Jewish! I'd heard him speak in his British accent long ago on DS9 as Dr. Bashir's father; I assumed he was British Indian. Only learned recently that he was a Sephardi Jew born in Israel.

Sure, I 'member.

I'm pulling for Cory Booker.

Don't forget he did actually run!