Rochelle Rochelle

I think that lets Bush off the hook way too easily. I'll grant you, he's not blatantly evil like trump. And apparently there's something about him - much as I hated this measure of judgment for *President* - that you feel like "you want to have a beer with him." However please consider:

"In democracy, leader apologizes to people." Unless the Vice President shoots his friend in the face. Then, friend apologizes to Vice President.

Say, did anyone see the new "Friends" last night?

On the other hand, there's also the theory that still persists even today that Jews/"Zionazis" were responsible for 9/11 and that "no Jews died on 9/11 because they were warned." (P.S. My Orthodox Jewish roommate of 5 years died in Tower 1, had just started a new job at Cantor Fitzgerald.)

Right now there is some pretty serious anti-Semitism in Europe. A record number of French Jews made aliya (ie moved) to Israel in 2014-2015. French men are being advised not to wear their yarmulkes in public. In London, a few months ago Jews were told by police authorities to try to keep their meeting places "secret"

Jews News is a garbage website. They produce articles that are outright false (such as the kind of article you mentioned), or sometimes publish articles from other sources that are years and years old just because they had an inflammatory headline, which will earn them clicks and reposts. It's infuriating to see

Yup, you said it. I don't get it either, it seems like mass hypnosis. And talking heads couldn't stop talking about the damn emails, but the upcoming fraud trial and formerly-upcoming rape trial that she dropped because she was being threatened was on total media blackout.

She *never* spoke in a New York accent.

That's probably true, and makes me so sad for her. :( She works so hard, has practical experi nice, is so smart, retains so much information, has people in her personal life who love her, and she couldn't translate it to the American people. I weep for America, but I weep for her too. Not to mention she actually won

Hi. Orthodox person here. With many Orthodox friends. Proud democrat/progressive. While the Jewish Press endorsed Trump, that paper is never going to be a font of enlightenment. I was more encouraged by the fact that the more high-minded Jewish Week endorsed someone for the first time ever, and it was Hillary.

This subject is depressing, but at least for a laugh I can watch my favorite stand-up special, Bill Cosby…Himself. Ohhhh, I see what just happened.

Next you'll be saying you should have your own schools, you Anti-Samite!