
I’ve taken my kid to about half a dozen games. The only near issue I had was the Redskins V. Giants game (his first) in the rain when RGIII was benched. He wouldn’t leave, despite Manning being out and the Giants having this game in the bag and then burying the bad under a mountain of dead goats. So a drunkard comes

People, as a whole, will level more hate against this guy than Peterson.

We are watching the creation of a family on par with the Chinese premier’s. Those fuckers gained 7 billion dollars. That’s what this is about. Nothing more, nothing less. If we all have to die for them to get it, they will do that.

“Remember: if Daddy sits, Daddy is d-o-n-e.”

Actually the article says that Means crossed the street, no?

None of this will matter if we don’t address (or attack) the Russian elephant in the room.

She’s 17 and Dj Khaleed got hit with a probation violation for drinking.

I got: You better be thankful for me because I’m thankful for you

Setting a false rift between him and the neo-nazis before he takes office and attempts to enact his neo-nazi policies? Sure. Why not. Doing it on the same day he finally verbally “cast out” those neo-nazis? The best he could have done was commission another Ken Starr which would have been great theater but would have

So I take it that NFL’s US security policies weren’t enforced south of the border? That could make moving a team down there interesting.

*it has always been there. D’oh

For everyything in the world aside - that’s New York. What the fuck did you think took place there? Jazz hands and sex in the city? Sure. To some extent. But I grew up there and I feel comfortable saying: This never went away. It’s always been there. That’s part of the pressure in the cooker. The underlying racial

HGH and roids are some amazing drugs?

Remember - what one man builds another can tear asunder.

Don’t they have multiple starters (including Matthews) out multiple weeks? I just checked their report for last night’s game and it listed 11 players out. That’s like 1/5 of their roster. That will kill any team. You can talk about how the bench needs to be ready and all that but they’re the bench for a reason.

That man is so happy to be mediocre it isn’t funny. He’s like Phil Hartman from Newsradio. Quite happy with his adequatcivity...

I read some comment which I agreed with: Could you stop calling them the alt-right and start calling them for what they are - Neo-Nazis.

It looks more like a sex toy to me.

Odd. Acting like an ass was kind of their road to fame and fortune. You’d think they’d be more understanding of it in others.

Is it wrong to enjoy a day where fake Irish girls get drunk and look for guys to fuck?