
Are you one of those people that beleive all mothers are good and are prepared to offer love and support to their children?

I am so disappointed I can’t even tell you. My mind was racing with expectation...

Some of the big program college athletes are paid.

What is our world coming to when the guy with a man bun is the voice of reason?


“(Note: The enduring legacy of The Shining alone is enough to ensure that Duvall will never be forgotten)“

“At my 25th, we had an “In Memoriam” table.”

To be fair, Hamilton bought and sold slaves (for third parties, the surrogate family he wanted desperately to impress) and commonly referred to his opponents as fags (you don’t want to vote for him...and his BOYS).

When I was 13 or 14, my oldest brother was supposed to take me to the Guns/Metallica/Faith show at Giants stadium. Well, he was busy cheating on his girlfriend with this Turkish girl so, without mentioning that fact, I went off to the show. This was the one where Rose got hit in the nuts with a lighter and walked.

Everyone loves Democracy when it agrees with them.

As someone with complicated familial relationships, stay out of other people’s complicated familial relationships. Life’s hard enough without having your complicated familia relationships dragged in front of everyone to gawk at.

If you all had twenty million dollars and I had 10, I’d be poor. Poverty is simple an expected circumstances. You cannot have a currency based economy without it. It’s like eating nothing but cake for two years and not getting fat. Won’t happen.

I hope not. I have always held Obama as the gold standard on how to compose and conduct yourself to my kids.

Yeah, there comes a point where you have to realize that he may have just been talking shit on the trail but he is now going to try to make good.

Have white people always been so terrified? I don’t remember this being a cultural thing with us.

Hey did you guys see the Shining? Kubrick was such a genius. Man, the way he tormented that woman until she literally broke and then filmed it! Amazing!

I’m going to go ahead and name the women in this pic:

How dare anyone exploit Duvall in a pitiable emotional state except for Stanley Kubrick

Yet another reason Collegiate was superior.

Wait. The guy with the face of a chronic drinker is “so calm under pressure”? Usually guys who drink until their face is puffy and their nose has that red-veiny thing that mine has taken on are not that calm under pressure.