
He’s pretty obviously Irish 

Nothing turns grown men and women into whining bitches like owning a home.

This is the first interesting electoral map I’ve seen. When it comes down to a 1% shift in votes in three states, that’s not as stark a division as some people might want to believe based on the results.

I can’t watch her right now. I am still so very mad and disappointed.

1) After staying with my ex for five years past her first incarceration in a mental hospital, I truly believe that the inability to know that we’re all crazy damns some to a lifetime of misery.

If it were on stats alone, Verlander should have won it. When you factor in contribution to team, he shouldn’t have. It’s not hard to understand that much. What’s hard to understand is: when you factor in contribution to team, why the fuck didn’t Kluber win?

I don’t think you understand how penis works.

It goes (from head to toe, left to right): Spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch.

“Obama reportedly plans to spend more time “than presidents typically do” tutoring Trump before the big inauguration. Anything could happen!”

I think he was thinking of Andre the Giant when he said that.

What I haven’t been able to understand, as a person entering his forties is, why haven’t young people started trying to hack Trump, Putin, et al?

FF has been getting high on its own supply since after X.

If this movie doesn’t feature a Vietnamese person losing an eye, I will be sorely disappointed in Marky Mark.

Remember when Trump mocked the reporter with a disability and everyone got up in arms?

I had never heard about him before this so, technically , I have gained many a level in Cliff Harris News.

You don’t feel conflicted about it because your job is to create ad revenue by driving up page clicks. Nothing like a good ol’ fashion schadenfraude to get that going. If you, and the various websites that make this group up, are going to over-moralize everything, you have to start with your own actions. Only fair.

Fifty years of progress, insignificant as it may have seemed at times, lit aflame and burned in a day. A lifetime to build what a moment can tear asunder.

But who’s going to work in his hotels?

If we don’t start hacking the shit out of Putin, this election cycle is going to be par for the course.

This is the same Paradox that adds hundreds of dollars worth of DLC to games that cost money, right? The same Paradox that offers up unit skins or ethnic portrait packs for 2 bucks a pop, right? The same Paradox that offers culture specific music for sale? Or a few new diseases at 10 bucks, right?