
My reading of your pic:

“No cause of death has been released at this time.”

That’s not it. I liken it to the white flight that occured in the post-Brown V. BoE world.


If I ever want to show my kids how to compose yourself in the face of adversity, insanity and any other malevolent shit that life can throw your way - I will show them videos of this man.

That made me laugh. Thanks.

Yeah. Fuck them for taking the easy way out instead of working to make something better. Entitled shitwits.

Honestly? I put some of the blame on the liberal youth moving away from their home districts to places like NY or CA. Now the rest of the country outside of those cityscapes look like bloody red pool at the scene of some bizarre crime.

You’re presumption that the people who voted for Johnson or Stein would have voted for Clinton seems to be misplaced

You forget elections where Hamilton campaigned against Burr and told people that they didn’t want to support Burr and his fag friends.

If you are not using President Elect from the old Apple 2e, then I don’t want to hear about it.

So a guy that would probably replace all his employees with robots if he could is mad that people are getting replaced by robots?

How sad for me, or the Browns - maybe?, was it that I was trying to figure out which Brown that was...

This is a tale of Old New York.

Quickly! Name three sports where players have met the end of their careers due to DV.

We call this kvetching. It’s what keeps us from murdering everyone of you stupid fucks we run into.

The only thing that matters less than the HoF is the All Star game.

You forgot to add “...and why it won’t matter” in the headline.

Actually, I get the guy with the splash on his shirt and face. Probably tore a bag open or the wind blew and he caught it.
