
You are a fool. Beauty and the Beast has always been about IR love. Nothing but the love of that sweet virginal white girl can tame the savage beast and make him a good christian.

Isn’t she married to frat rapist wannabe Ashton Kutcher?

You thought that ahead of time, but much like an article calling out a closeted gay man, you’re just trying to get some page views.

You’re about being a dick the right way? Make being a dick great again.

Maybe the top 3 QB would be better off if they just went with Prescott though. Because if they let Romo back on the field he’s going to live his short life in a wheelchair.

That doesn’t look like one of the Ryan bros?

I thought of this too late but: Who threw Rex Ryan onto the field?

That’s two dildos on a field in the same day!

It being Buffalo, that was probably a used dildo. I think that’s a safe assumption to make.

A series-ending game 5 loss would be the fully recommended treatment.

But you can do the same few things a lot.

I think the real issue here is that crap-ass sign.

Nothing like watching grown men in what look like footie pajamas play football.

There was most likely a huge difference between the treatment of kids attending white majority schools in the 60s and 70s and, for example, the prep for prep kids that got into private schools in the city in the 90s.

Odds that it was some other guy she’s fucking and that was the first thing she thought of?

Well, thanks to you, I realized it was out on Mac.

To be fair, it is annoying when they constantly correct you with “It’s pronounced Bar-TH-elona”.

Cindy wasn’t making money on her Jordan almonds, though.

People: Did you mean to suck

I never understood the logic of “We have a great team, it’s winning. Almost back to back champs. Now let’s pop the hood and see what we can change”