“You can pee whenever you want
“You can pee whenever you want
No. You shitting in YOUR Miata would be the same principle. Or getting my permission, I guess.
So what you’re saying is you had no point to begin with but just wanted to wish for some random police violence? Okie Dokie.
Did you accidentally tab off of youporn?
You better get unconfused before he gets mad.
Cmd+F: Dick.
“Where the hell is this girl’s family and why did they let her on that stage?!”
I now wonder if someone has walked outside of their brownstone and found a puddle of my urine and just had that moment of pause wherein they say “fuck all of that” before trudging off
I wet Cornell and parts of Columbia.
Do you have kids? If not, then I’m not sure YOU know. Stop supporting big baby.
Waste not want not
My teenage years aside, are you saying that there are cops that won’t arrest a woman for exposing her breast?
Both are sexualized organs that serve other purposes...
You’re welcome
Are you trying to tell me that my dick’s too big?
You, me and a shitload of camwhores.
Nope. That first one sucked so much ass, I have no shits left to give.
Cromartie has never once cared where he ejected.
If women can breast feed in public, I can piss into a cup. Same fucking principle. You expel fluid into a waiting receptacle.
I think it means the QB is going to grab a quick handful of the center whether or not he likes it.