I had to watch that like four or five times before I noticed it. The first couple of times I was watching the Eagles guys walking out the end zone. The other two times I kept staring at the bullpen catcher in the sausage sling.
I had to watch that like four or five times before I noticed it. The first couple of times I was watching the Eagles guys walking out the end zone. The other two times I kept staring at the bullpen catcher in the sausage sling.
So my telling an abuse victim to protect themselves falls into the category of shaming? The fuck is the matter with you. Fine? Tell these people to cower in the corner and pray it all goes their way in a fucking judicial system that is so heavily slanted in the favor of their abuser that it’s almost pointless to fight…
When you can’t dispute the validity of the statement go on a toxic rant about the speaker, eh? Good luck getting Trump in the White House this November.
Suspicious? HELL FUCKING YES. That’s why I said you get a recorder on the fucking line and say the “call my lawyer, this is being recorded, if you call me further I am contacting the authorities” script. Scared? If some corporate flunky calls? No. You ought to expect that shit. If I were her, I’d be scared if he…
Yes but, how many tips do they get that are just dick pics under the header of “look what happened here”?
This was a lotta words to say: Nothing. It doesn’t matter if they concede.
I left my baby out...
Anyone else I might say digging up an old babysitter is unwarranted muck-racking. But since this is Goddell, dig up his dead parents while we’re at it.
I dropped Carr for Simian to cover Rodgers’ bye week. Simian got injured and Carr threw for a million yards and dozens of TDs.
So long as the player’s hair comes down past the helmet and is over a portion of body that is ok for you to be grabbing. There’s a difference. Because, if it weren’t you could have some crazy, guinness book of records long hair and not be allowed to have someone touch you.
If you’re ok with an employer firing someone for making disparaging comments about someone because they’re black, white or purple with cream filling, then unfortunately you are ok with this.
I’ll say this again: I FUCKING LOVE THAT NASALY, GUMMY SMILE OF HIS FUCKING BOYS. It’s the absolute perfect embodiment of them. That sniveling, toady-like smile that portrays no joy or warmth while serving up a healthy dose of “I’m so much better than you”
And thus would end the private party system we endure.
In order to save either party, you have to get rid of the primaries.
You know what internet coverage of the debates is like? A spin room for the public. Where we all chatter endlessly about the debate like you’re railing on about here. So if you want something to change, start at home.
Time to start drinking until I sober up, I guess.
“a comedian who talks about what she believes in,”
I think you actually have to make an effort to get the non-lubricated condoms. The majority of them are lubricated, IIRC.
The average person watching NFL games just pretends to give a fuck so they don’t seem like an inhuman monster. They do not care. They will lose no sleep when Cam Newton is 40 years old with mush for brains. They will secretly be thankful it isn’t them and hold firm in the belief that the money wasn’t worth the risk.