Actually games like the Sea-Atl game make people watch. Games like the Ari-NYJ game are why people don’t.
Actually games like the Sea-Atl game make people watch. Games like the Ari-NYJ game are why people don’t.
You submitted a resume there and got turned down, didn’t you?
Want a fun experiment to try at home.
“Or from females who may attempt to procure semen for the opportunity to become pregnant with a sport’s figures child”
It isn’t normally a big seller, none of the minor leagues are that big of a revenue generator. But Tebow’s team’s caps are sold out through the MLB store. The other teams are not.
Godamnit, ESPN. Stop making me come to Tebow’s defense.
“how did I mistake that for letters from HIS mother and grandmother!”
“Donald Trump fired Khloe Kardashian...because he didn’t think she was hot enough”
Yeah, he was basically a fucking dick. His sole claim to “street” fame was beating up a Vietnamese immigrant and throwing rocks and yelling N***er at a fourth grader with a bunch of other drunk Irish goons. But now he’s a serious artist or some such shit. He’s basically the bland white that appeals to wannabe thug…
That shit is getting pretty lame. Sure, the hug was funny but now it’s like “oh well, guess this shit is a thing now.”
I’d also like to add that DJ Khaled knows how to party.
I would drink beer out of her butt.
“But the concerning thing is that there are all these people walking around constipated because they are too scared to eat fibre in case they do a bad fart.”
I don’t think that at 29 he’s doing anything other than earning some cred to get a baseball announcer job or something because he isn’t good enough to advance far enough, fast enough. That much is for sure.
Out of curiosity, I always thought that pro-sports avoided LV like the plague because of the potential for all kinds of fuckery. I mean, what could go wrong with pro-sports players living and playing in the gambling mecca of the country? Do we not worry about athletes rigging the games for books?
No, but don’t let that get in the way of that person’s uninformed, poorly phrased attack on a group of people.
Yup. I mean, his back foot is on the front of the rubber, if his front foot came past the BACK edge of the rubber? I imagine I would see it pass the back of his back leg, but who could tell from that angle.
There were a lot of good costumes in here but this one made me clench with joy. I freaking loved this movie when I was a kid.
More like Gears of Bore: More...AMIRITE?!?
Jesus does not work that way, crazy lady. Jesus wants you to be good and decent. To love your fellow man, even when - no, scratch that - especially when they run afoul of things. Do unto others and all that.