No. The moral obligation is saving everyone not in the car. They didn’t choose to walk down the street with someone who couldn’t be bothered to pilot his own machine. The responsibility, in any scenario, is to save the people not using the machine.
No. The moral obligation is saving everyone not in the car. They didn’t choose to walk down the street with someone who couldn’t be bothered to pilot his own machine. The responsibility, in any scenario, is to save the people not using the machine.
? When did I say otherwise?
Can you still put performance incentives in? Can you still work for commission? Vesting Contracts? Team and/or player options?
Because, with the agreement of the NFLPA, it is in the player’s self-interest to allow the league to operate this way. If Football had baseball-like contracts, do you honestly think anyone would get big contracts with the injury and fail/drop-off rates in the NFL (except for QBs and even they would take some financial…
It’s a player option. He has the option to opt-out of the second year is how I read it when they changed the wording.
Ok, but to be fair that’s written in chalk and can be wiped off by a moist towelette or a gentle rain.
That’s consensual.
He has started more starts on short rest than any other active starter during the post season. It was absurd they left him in to bat in the bottom of the sixth. He never should have been on the mound come the seventh. I was scratching my head over that. That’s the fault of the manager not Kershaw. Maybe they could get…
god-damn auto-correct.
He’s probably ok because he tried to shoot himself with a block.
“But he does owe fans an actual effort when he chooses to play, and this ugly compromise—getting on the court and only then deciding that he doesn’t give a shit—doesn’t serve anyone’s interests.”
I just don’t get the hate. He’s never been accused of rape or assault or DV. He’s never crashed a car while drunk or high.
I fucking love the nasally, gum-tooth smiles of his boys.
Fuck you. We had to do even year bullshit, we have to do this too.
Even graphic-less, numbers games. I was playing OOTp16 and a young player suffered a career-ending calf strain. It was horrible. He had to put his young children up for adoption. If only medical science could have helped the poor man.
Uh...why not have the glowing line show you the way like normal?
Because there is nothing in the vicinity of the face or head that could possible kill you were it to be slashed open...
Out of curiosity, did you ever meet Scalia?
“as well as descendants of that journalistic tradition including BuzzFeed News”
That Clinton/Bone pic looks like Clinton just found out Bone had a threesome with his wife and daughter and has to be held back