Do you mean “running out of ways to lose and make it look like their aren’t trying to tank so they can move”?
Do you mean “running out of ways to lose and make it look like their aren’t trying to tank so they can move”?
Usually a good indication that no one cares.
Well, no body knows backroom deals like a fucking NYC mayor who oversaw gaps in police coverage so developers could buy up swaths of land that are now some of the most expensive real estate in the country. Or the Mayor who saw a Police Chief/partner go to jail. So he would know what he’s talking about.
If she doesn’t bring up the sniffing and dry mouth by the end of this...
Yeah, those snaps were not at all caused by playing in the peripheral AoE of a fucking hurricane...
“I’ve never withdrawn in my life,””
I’d like to see their real reasons. That would be more interesting.
That’s honestly why pitching duels are so amazing. Either it’s the ultimate triumph or heartbreak in baseball. Not like some 46 dinger contest where you can’t even keep track of the score.
If I were Kaepernick, I would take a knee every goddamned snap. He has nothing to lose but his health
Well...He was close.
Any head cut bleeds more profusely than if it were elsewhere on the body. Minor cuts to your noggin can seem like a geyser sometimes if you catch them in the right spot.
Clearly, if you can’t imagine that, none of you own your own business.
That was a lot of words to say repeated oral sex.
I have one uncle and he’s a big gay NYC Jew. Maybe he’s your racist uncle.
Root for a Cleveland team? IN THE PLAYOFFS? I like a little BDSM but I don’t think I could take that level of torture. Couldn’t you just insert metal rods into my erect dick?
No one comes across worse than the couple filming this.
Every car does that.
“She’s pretty good at it. Regardless of what you think about the Kardashians and the way they flaunt their wealth, not a single person deserves the kind of treatment she received.”
Assuming your political affiliation, what is the point of this article?