
Learning to play CKii was the most enjoyable experience I had with a game in a looooooooong time. It was so much fun for me and this was my first Paradox game.

I would like to offer that learning how to play Crusader Kings 2 was the most enjoyable time spent with a video game in a long time. Once I learned how to play it was still enjoyable for quite a while but bizarre, unplanned events like France becoming England and England becoming France (leading to generations of war,

There were more people at that IL game than there were at the last Cyclones game I went to from the sound of it.

Does anyone else feel like Brady looks like a guy who likes to get pegged?

As a fan of bat flips and beanballs, you should relax a little more.

Fantasia. It’s all a Disney conspiracy, you know.

My first reaction was “Fuck that guy” or “go have sex with that guy”? You may think I’m joking but with this world and all you people in it, I can never tell.

If, and this is a tremendously cynical if, the Bucks take a good amount of money they earned off that investment and pump it into the city, then it’s money well spent. Especially in this fucked up day and age, I’d rather a constant stream of revenue than money in my pocket any day. But the problem with this is, one

I miss the days of white people being separated into distinct cultural groups in this country. Now everyone thinks I’m going to act the same as a Swede.

“That joke only works if you say it out loud. Give me a break here.”

Did they also add bulk to make him look more manly?

Well not plant so much as stopped chopping his feet at the last second.

It is going to be unpopular to say this but: Watch the carrier plant and brace for the contact. Had he kept running it wouldn’t have happened that way. Don’t hesitate and don’t brace for impact. It’s why drunks don’t get hurt in crashes as much as sober people.

That’s because we olds know how to do things without making an extreme out of it and killing ourselves in the process.

How much hand strength was needed to hold out sticky gloves and reel ball into chest?

Robert Downey Jr?

I was drunkenly arguing that the third string QB for the pats was, in fact, not Brisset but Michael Vick. I swore.

But has it fixed the fact that it’s opening sequence is like a million hours long and non-skippable?

But it isn’t Marvel that is doing this and you should know that. It’s Disney.