
Mental/Emotional problems? 2 days is brief unless you had money behind it. But if this was a first occurrence I feel like he would have fought against medical teams more.

No, I concede that she, specifically, is not taking these to cheat. At least intentionally. What you can’t dispute, Dr. Ruth, is that playing while having the advantage of taking all these medications that others can’t certainly can’t hurt these athletes’ ability to perform.

I don’t recall my ex getting painkillers when RA was ravaging her body and making her hands curl into balls. Maybe my critical thinking was skewed by personal experience.

Any time you wore baggy jeans or your hat titled to the side or back - you were being racist.

This is actually the same debate any time Polanski gets mentioned. He doesn’t get a pass anymore than this guy has gotten. Until jail time happens it’ll be the same discussion for the next guy.

Fuck you. You can’t expect people to have the same emotional reaction to something like this that someone who has never and will never deal with it does. Can you imagine if a homicide detective reacted like the family of a murder victim?

No comment about the pain killers? Let’s just let that one slide then.

The one responsible for hot takes, duh. Though she is on two rather strong painkillers. And before you say “She’s in pain” using those to overcome the bodies inability to handle your training is one of the reasons they’re flagged. They can be prescribed for a medical reason but continued usage to overcome limitations

Uh....One of the Williams sisters is a smack addict. And Prednisone and all those other derivatives are steroids. They are often used with medical treatments (Allergic reactions, Rheumatoid, polymyalgia etc.)

Also, those uniforms look like footie pajamas.

It’s ludicrous for you to make yourself a voice of a people you are not a part of. I feel like Deadspin needs to take a staffer out back and beat the ability to see color out of them. Then you can host these communist screeds and at least not be a hypocrite.

That’s like three different accents

I always thought they put the kibosh on it because the things were getting out of hand. You had entire teams lining up in the end zone and doing a dance.

My ex-wife described it to me as having a samurai sword shoved up her vagina and then twisted.

Tony Stewart is a murderer, though.

Before I go committing myself to jerk off, I need to know the gender of that butthole.

I bet you Clinton fucked his wife and the girl in the PB shirt and Trump became insanely jealous

Stewart and Marshall should be suspended. Marshall especially.

Broncos D was told to go after Newton in the second half. Denver couldn’t afford the lose with the ridiculous moves they made in the offseason. D responded by doing what it does. Play rough, over-the-border of illegal D. At least Talib didn’t try to rip someone’s head off.

Are you saying precedent? Because there is standing in both matters (widely accepted meanings of standing, in both cases)