To be fair, Tebow didn’t fail worse than say Geno Smith, Ryan Fitzgerald, Jay Cutler, Blaine Gabbert, RGIII, Kirk Cousins, MarkFuckingSanchez or any of the other third string starters still milling around the league. He was thrown to the lions.
To be fair, Tebow didn’t fail worse than say Geno Smith, Ryan Fitzgerald, Jay Cutler, Blaine Gabbert, RGIII, Kirk Cousins, MarkFuckingSanchez or any of the other third string starters still milling around the league. He was thrown to the lions.
Video is private for me.
Firstly, there is a form of guaranteed contracts in the NFL. If the NFL moved over to a baseball style guarantee system, people would be making a fraction of what they are capable of making now.
Rio just saw how much crookery Russia got away with and said, “Let’s turn this shit up to the maxxx”
I could tell he wasn’t black when the article mentioned resisting arrest without mentioning the suspect having the living shit beaten the fuck out of him.
If we’re being honest, any time you put on a White Sox uniform you are putting anything and everything before winning.
Maybe it’s all the cigarette smoke getting into his eyes that was making him cry.
This is some grade-A white lady mad.
Just as a question: Would you be ok, as a dad, waiting outside a women’s room for your six-year old daughter after some guy walks in to use the loo?
He really does look like Aaron Rodgers if he had to lose like 100 pounds of muscle for a movie role.
You don’t need to appease the baby, you need to appease the stupid parents. Fuck those parents. Parents suck.
There are some pretty clearly visible no trespassing signs there. They may have been on his fucking driveway. There are homes that own large acres that include the roads that lead to the house. This is not unheard of. He’s still a raged out dick and the camera guy is a fucking puss
“Avoid leaving the protection of your home to confront suspects.”
Who cares what some privileged twat that has everything handed to him thinks? Fuck that.
You’ve never worn your teenagers’ clothes and pretended to be in high school again?
Well, shit. Now I’m horny and hungry.
A google image search for Tom Brady Grabbing his balls was surprisingly a let down.
To be fair, this was Manziel-level bad decision making by Crowell.
Knowing how most white names came to be, I seriously gotta wonder here. Did his great-grandfather wriggle worthily? Was the family trade some worth while wriggling? Did someone at immigration just stop giving any fucks?
“Accept that as a woman, you will never be 100 percent safe around men.”