I just assumed he was too dignified to eat of the ground and was gonna use it as a plate.
I just assumed he was too dignified to eat of the ground and was gonna use it as a plate.
It’s narcissism that was removed as a condition in and of itself and is now seen as more of a symptom/factor in other conditions.
Did the dog in the bottom left photo die too?
Would it kill you guys to do a daily article where you recap all the scores from the day/night before so I could stop going to multiple websites?
The parents of the multiple kids he has pushed out of the way, jumped in front of or otherwise cheaped out of a ball?
I have a hard time hating on Tebow. As a christ killer, I just can’t muster up any animosity for him.
I would say that the attorney is the one that violated the trust not the press.
Sought. I can’t be the only person....
It would depend on the state, the licenses, etc. From what I understand, It’s legal in LA. That being said, any command a cop gives you with regards to a firearm is to supersede your rights. If you’re told to drop it? Drop it.
From what I understand, the search that found the pot was based on the stolen handgun - which was unknown to be stolen at the time. So the search that stemmed from someone having a handgun out, legal in LA as far as I understood it, was probably going to be thrown out. This is just the DA going “foosball” instead of…
Is there a tl,dr for your revenge article?
is there a tldr?
Thuggish? I though Chesney fans were universally white. Stop misusing your journalistic keywords and use the proper goon for whites.
Isn’t this the ass-licking toadie that excuses Mayweather for beating on his exes?
So basically they’re shaking the olympic committee down for some more scratch?
1) He hit the son of the Forbes that owns a minority stake in the Cavs, that’s a good factoid to throw in.
Getting the hell out of there.
He may not have the range but they do sound alike
Are they saying Napoleon or Apoleon?
New CEO of Gawker media?