
Every Kiss Begins With Case!

I can’t wait for all the shitty slogans they can put on T-shirts to psych the fans up for the Case Keenum era:

sorry here’s a refund:

hey everyone my car’s hood was wantonly damaged in an unknown and tragic incident. Here is a pic, I want to know who this stone/bullet/small human was and why they hit my car. please conduct a detailed forensic analysis.

A Prayer for Owen Weenie

Friar? I barely knew her!

2019 is just an eyeball screaming into the void.

My wife is a slut.

So I said to Grant, “What’s the deal with the wing?” And he said, “I guess I never thought about it.” “Never thought about?? You’ve got this big honking airfoil sticking off the back. You may as well glue feathers to it and call it a duck. It’s not a duck, is it, Grant?” “No, it’s not a duck, Jerry.” “Well, it just

Or in Kansas

Ya my neighborhood is more John Deere than Porsche.

I live in a free country too, but my house is run by a dictatorship.

I think it’s his hobby, not a job.

Yeah. It’s incredible that both of the following are simultaneously true:

Or he’s practicing his fencing response.

Great, now the Packers have one quarterback who gets into trouble for going into a bar, and another who had trouble because A. Barr went into him.

I’m not even a Vikings fan, Drew, but if Brees ends up in Minnesota, I will also shit your pants.