
Torch, my ‘71 Super Beetle had a bad starter solenoid, but rather than replace it I’d crawl underneath with a long screwdriver and jumper the motor. I did in fact run myself over more than once by forgetting to shift to neutral, and once nearly electrocuted myself while doing this in the rain and parked in a puddle.

Narrator voice: “It was not”

They went with white so it would be harder for the penguins to see. They get jealous of the ability to fly, and since they outnumber humans down there, you don’t want to get on their bad side.

According to my map, it looks iffy down there. My biggest fear is driving off the edge.

Fair point.

I don’t think people are getting the point of this article. Over 60% of Americans live pay check to pay check with less than $1000 savings and they’re spending record number of money on car loans. This doesn’t apply to tiny fraction of people that could pay out their car loan at any time.

So to be fair there can be entirely valid reasons to do this. I could have paid for my new car in cash, but with interest rates this low and the market generally showing remarkable returns, I put down 20% and took out a 72month loan for the rest at a bit over 2% and threw the cash into an S&P500 index fund. Even with

Then why aren’t you keeping your mouth shut?

If only folks in D.C. were more inquisitive about African birth certificates...

I would not be surprised if at the end, Simmons becomes more appreciated for his ability to hire/develop talent rather than his writing skill. GM Simmons > Player Simmons.

I would say my anecdotal evidence beats your “half truth.”

+1 yellow support the troops/ not the war bumper sticker

Eh, take it easy Deadspin. You’re acting like this is the most incredible thing ever. Lots of players have run great 40 times and done nothing. I mean, sure, I’m not saying he’ll be awful in the NFL, but let’s not put him in the Hall-of-Fame just yet.

And if any team has experience with that kind of thing...


Here he is on the varsity soccer team in high school:

Donald Trump is a vile piece of shit, but FIFA has been willing to give the World Cup to much more odious people in the past. For example, Qatar, where slave laborers are dying to construct the stadiums. Or Russia, with its semi-official policy or murdering journalists critical of the regime.

I’m moving further away from football, but I’ll be damned if soccer is going to fill that void.

Oh please Trump spare us the World Cup, it’d be the first good thing you’ve done. A USA World Cup would turn the “ACTUALLY SOCCER IS AMERICA’S FASTEST GROWING SPORTS!” crowd up to 11. No one cares, just let me watch football.