
Both the racquet smash violation and the verbal abuse violation were 100% justified. The coaching warning is nitpicky, it is rarely called, but part of gamesmanship is knowing the tendencies of the ref/ump. Serena and her coach should have been aware that Ramos is known to make those sorts of calls. It shouldn’t have b

It’s fine for her to be upset over the nitpicky coaching violation but to vehemently deny it and make such a scene is ridiculous—she was obviously being signaled to move forward and in fact that is exactly how she played the following game. It should have been a minor blip, just a warning, but she had to compound the

Bush did Colin Kaepernick

The Mazda website is always out of date. Sometimes the build tool is too. I bought very early in the delivery cycle so I had to go old school - I called maybe 20 dealerships. By now, I bet some dealers have posted their 2019s on AutoTrader, so that’s probably your best bet. Or you can sweet talk a dealer into

I picked up a GT-S this weekend!

I picked up a GT-S this weekend! 

If two Transformers cousins had an inbred Transformer baby this is the car it would transform into. 

I’ve been waiting for this review ever since I stumbled upon the staging area in San Mateo last week! Pissed I missed the 2019 Miata convoy by a few days though.

The funniest part of this is thinking the NE Miata will have 200hp lol

Obviously there was gonna be the Serena hype, but this was not really a shocking result. Kerber was the first real contender that Serena faced, not to mention someone who has beaten her on the biggest stage before. Overall, great tournament result for both players. 

Pour some out for those Miatas and RX8s

It’s only a matter of time until one of these incidents kills a 3rd party. Dumb luck that it hasn’t happened so far. I’m sure the lawyers are waiting.

Mitsubishi FTO *hides*

Don’t they have enough problems with jeeps driving off on their own?

And “Ms. two car payments” is how the lender will be referring to the buyer who is $7000 underwater but wants a newer car.

Lightning and spiky shells?

We know that’s you, Roomba

Wow really interesting to see the quirks and features of the Sahara! Just disappointed it wasn’t given a BoratScore at the end of the video!

There is a SF likes well hung men joke here somewhere but I will leave it be.

Maybe Shani only got 4 votes because people know he’s a crybaby asshole.