
A friend and I spread the fuck out of that rumor back in the 90's when we were hooning our 94 four-banger Probes!

Hey, Alanis! Did The Root get cancelled or was it just abandoned by their journos? No worries, just wondering

Hey Danielle! I wrote you a poem! It’s called: “I can’t use my time at Gizmodo (nee Gawker) in my resume because some anonymous asshole wrote a poem in the comments of the final article in a multi-million dollar blog for which I happened to post the final article,”

Hi Danielle, me again! Did “The Root” get cancelled or did you just get laid off? No worries, just wondering. The last Gawker — sorry Gizmodo — blog that was this badly neglected was The Cuck. If that’s the case I intend to immortalize myself with asinine comments before this article is closed. Wish you the best

I’m bored now. Bet this isn’t deleted after another decade. Maybe I’ll check. Probably not. Goodbye, Danielle! Hope your next article gets more comments! Sorry it was only me tonight. I do enjoy a good conversation with myself, though I suppose. Kinja isn’t what it used to be.

My bad. I figured it out. You can still Un-Gray me, however. That would be totally rad. At least get here4theroot because that account is obviously here for you. Just saying.

Hey Danielle, I keep posting and it only shows as this article having one reply. What gives?

If you’re still gray, then Odo doesn’t stand a chance! Hell, you even posted on subject! I’ll give you a like, anyhow!

C’mon! Have a sense of humor!

Un-gray me, please. I deserve to be followed and as an added bonus, you guys can re-gray me at will without repercussion!

Un-gray me, please. I deserve to be followed and as an added bonus, you guys can re-gray me at will without repercussion! How bad can I be? My picture is Odo and I liked my own post?!?

Yes. Fuck that guy’s family and their grief. They produced a grand wizard of the kkk. Fuck them all.

I needed to read that this morning. Thank you so much! I think it’s going to be a good day.

There is no way Tesla employees are going to be able to unionize while Elon is Trump’s bestie. I bet Kellyanne Conway even plugs Tesla next time she’s on camera.

No, you fucking idiot cunt. You were a dick with your first snarky reply. What did you expect? Go fuck yourself.

You’re evil! LMAO!

Honestly, fuck you buddy. I was being totally decent until you attacked me for no goddamn reason. What do you expect going around saying that shit to people? Go drink bleach you fucking cock biter.

Well, I’m glad that you have so much money to spend on your car and laptop. Someone will surely help themselves to your fine goods. I hope they do lots and lots of damage!

Because I have cash. You keep a low deductible if you can’t manage your money. People who know how to save are annoying, aren’t we?

Yeah, but how much damage would just an attempt at entry entail. It’s all fine and well that my $700 laptop is safe but what does it matter if I’m spending $1500 for my deductible to fix the damage? I honestly hope it never happens to you, friend. I’m just speaking from experience.