
Looks like an Ariya from behind.

These hunks of shit can’t survive a car wash

These hunks of shit can’t survive a car wash, isn’t this common knowledge by now?

Same boat. Wife and I have master’s degrees, great jobs, but are completely priced out of the market. Some of that is we don’t want to be house poor, the rest is kids/childcare/insane food prices.

500lbs more than my GX470 and right at the same weight as my Escalade. I need to start investing into Tire company stocks. 

His political views are disgusting.  To call them “quarrels”, get fucked.

I don’t think I’ve done either of those things you’ve accused me of in this article.

Applebee’s reference made this about 30% more funny. haha

What CT owners think they look like: GIF of war veteran being saluted at while they walk into an Applebee’s.

At this point, buying one seems like a self own. Like kicking yourself in the nuts seems easier. 

There are several elements of the Land Cruiser that I think feel a bit out of place for a $60k vehicle. Considering the new GX starts at $64k, I can’t help but wonder if that would be the better purchase. It would be interesting to see a head to head comparison of this new Land Cruiser and the GX. 

a track-only hyper sports car that invites drivers to explore their limits” as they slam into a fucking wall at 220 mph after blowing the braking zone 

As a very recent 456 buyer (yay for me) I can now confirm firsthand that OP should use every cent of his $100k budget by buying a $65k 456. The joke among 456 owners is it’s the Ferrari so expensive to maintain even Ferrari owners don’t want it.

I have to disagree. Not with the dislike, but how you got there. There is no functional reason why the sheetmetalk should have EVERY crease and fold imaginable. They styled it to look like a 12 year old just drove it through a slot canyon. That’s not really my idea of offroad styling. The LC is great. This looks like

Too bad you can’t roll down that iPad on the dash.

definitely going to be some interesting cross shopping between the land cruiser and a new 4runner. Hard to beat that roll down rear window....

I’m really torn. I’m getting old, so massage seats on a top trim GX is almost as tempting as the roll down rear window on the 4runner.

I disagree, I think Nissan can easily compete for buyers that don’t want the latest and greatest.  With everyone going turbo/hybrid a big NA V6 and affordable pricing is all people would need to consider in cross shopping with its competition.  

Say what you will about the aesthetics of the cladding, but it was nice to not have to worry about your front bumper as you pushed through brush!

Shoot, a Model T could have tackled this 100 years ago.

even if it’s fully cash, do we really need to pay 90k for a working towing truck ??