
wtf, cue the Jenna/office space its the same picture meme for this and the veyron. Thought they’d go somewhat different for this one. Ill never see one so who cares i guess. 

Im actively looking at 100k or higher Tundras or Titan Pro4x’s. Seems like a reasonably “sweet” spot for a working and dependable truck.

why would anyone buy this? Theres lots of other fat pig EVs out there that are likely better than Stellantis for similar money. Incredible how Jeep has painted itself into a corner where its lineup is expensive. 

Those are good words of wisdom at the end!

this will literally never not make me laugh

I just spent a few weeks in southern Africa on Safari and we were in early 2000 Land Cruisers and the shit we drove through absolutely blew my mind. Our guides were the best drivers ive ever seen. We forded waterways that i would have thought impossible and drove through sand and bush like it was nothing. Just

and those ppl would be racist pos

i understand your fears but it is not the 70s anymore. We arent stuck in stagflation. Inflation skyrocketed due to covid + a European land war and both led to wildly fucked up supply lines.

Im not saying banks/VCs becoming landlords en masse is remotely good - but given the millions of units of housing stock they are still a pretty small %.

Yeah, rates were high but my parents first home cost like 8 dollars in 1978 or something.

Yeah, my wife and i make good money - definitely far above the average household and we wonder the same.

I mostly agree but i will say that its not uncommon to see one of these in the backcountry where i live on the Colorado Plateau. Ppl do use these for what they are ostensibly built for. 

5400 lbs for a medium crossover! This is 1000lbs heavier than my 4x4 SUV. wtf.. what a pig. 

Seems like a great update and im wishing i could have those seats on my Pro-4X but...guessing were looking at 60k for the TRD Pro? Thats fucking wild. 

calm down snowflake - instead of blaming (wrongly) Bradley, try putting blame where it should be assigned: Musk and his group of sycophant mngt cronies.

I bought a crosstrek wilderness a few months ago for sticker - no discount but also no bullshit fees or anything else. Was a good dealer experience in all honesty. 

lol, you think youre being clever and catching me out. Jokes on you - i agree w/you! The feds should be much, much, much more hardcore when it comes to all these companies. 

Wow..this thing is such a dangerous pos. If we had any functioning regulatory agency with teeth Elon and other execs would be facing serious criminal and not just (possible) civil penalties.

This is the right answer. Ive only seen a couple of these in the flesh and they turn my head every time. Like a more functional BMW I-8 (a car i love).

Im sure itll sell like hotcakes. The colors are very nice. Im sure its very capable like the current one is first glance i am not loving it.