Took a second to debate buying it and it sold out. Would've been $380 with an Amazon Store Card :(
Took a second to debate buying it and it sold out. Would've been $380 with an Amazon Store Card :(
Took a second to debate buying it and it sold out. Would've been $380 with an Amazon Store Card :(
Took a second to debate buying it and it sold out. Would've been $380 with an Amazon Store Card :(
Oh they’ll break down, but when they’re working they are sublime.
This seriously sounds like a blast.
It’s about heritage.
Why are people even interested in the new NSX? It's the polar opposite of the original.
I just want this to be clear - the Confederate flag does not represent the “south”. It represents the Confederacy, whose treasonous existence was stomped out 150 years ago.
This is like the left version of the Tea Party. What do we call them?
It legitimately saddens me to see Jim Carrey and Bill Maher on this list.
So is she.
Using “religious freedom” as justification to limit someone else’s liberties has to be one of the stupidest, illogical political devices I've ever heard
No. Slavery was the key issue. The south wanted to secede because Lincoln was running on an abolitionist platform and their economy was based on slave labor. That's a fact
There should be a two space buffer zone around all E38s. Such beauty in a sedan, never surpassed in our time.
Slavery-based economy. We’re saying the same thing.
The Confederate Flag represents a people who, in spite of their documented faults, attempted to declare independence from a regime which no longer represented their political interests and who tried to uphold internationally recognized standards of self-determination.
You guess?
Ugh. Man-splaining.
Who knows, in 50 years people might regard this post as bigoted against people who identify with a different race.