
Funny, shrinkage has an inverse meaning in the male community.

There’s no way this just uses Bluetooth. It has to be WiFi+Bluetooth, like AirDrop or AirPlay without a wireless network.

I enjoy cabs and can tell if I’m drinking a shitty one, but in most cases I have no qualms drinking a house cab vs the $80/$100/$200 bottle on the menu.


So is the frat boy dead or is this just an irrelevant anecdote?

Duggar, Dunham, we’d be better off without either of them.

I hate to be that guy, but the title here is heavy on the clickbait.

You kind of proved my point. If it’s tit for tat, Apple’s hardware isn’t out of date.

When you look at comments and behavior from people in the industry and executives at major companies (Tesla/Microsoft/Google) you kind of realize that the only people who hate Apple passionately are the rabid, under-informed elitist Android superfans. Microsoft makes excellent apps for iOS and uses iPhones/iPads in

Out of date hardware, except every time a new Android phone comes out the argument is “hey the camera/performance/build quality/software fluidity is finally on par with or better than the iPhone! Fuck you apple!”

This movie had tons of plot holes but you missed the big ones for some that aren’t really plot holes at all..

Damn I hate when people point when navigating.

Subway is fine if you realize it is fast food. You’ll have a hell of an easier time eating a decent, healthy-ish meal at Subway than pretty much any fast food or fast casual restaurant out there.

3770k is absolutely “decent” considering the Haswell upgrade made hardly any difference in performance. Is Broadwell much better?

Natasha has been horribly unfunny and awkward in the roasts she's been in, has she improved?

Yes. Unless you can clearly point out what the targeted group would be offended by and provide some evidence as to why the material in question would be offensive (other than yo it's almost April!), you can expect some backlash when you claim a site isn't respectful or is disparaging towards a group you have nothing

Net cutting: Because if you won't pay your players, give them string.

Then how did you find it offensive? Just trollin' eh?

Real Christians understand that the sentiments celebrated on Easter should hold true at all times, not just a few weeks out of the year. So go away, fake Christian.

Bieber only has a 5S? COME ON