Hello Newman

Take your star, fargin' bastage. 

There should be no replay in any sport ever. We watch sports strictly for our own amusement, and it is absolutely not life or death, therefore what is “fair” is completely irrelevant (sports will always have an element of luck and be inherently unfair regardless of how much replay there is anyway). The only criteria

Is there a word stronger than clusterfuck?

That Trump continues to use the Big Lie strategy is no shocker. The disturbing part is does he actually believe his own lies?

And yet a sizable and very vocal minority fully support this grotesque mockery of anything remotely dignified, or even “American.”

He’s “joking”. Except when he’s not. Us dumb liberals just don’t get how funny he is (or isn’t?)

I fucking love that we have a President that constantly needs other people to explain what he really means when he publicly says something completely stupid.

I guarantee Bumgarner has said “so much for the tolerant Left!” at least once in the past three years.

Lets keep that -7 trend going for the next year or until he drops out. I have every confidence that Joe Biden will gaffe himself out of a third and final primary and hopefully into the shadow realm never to be heard from again.

Vote for me to unfuck the country I helped fuck up.”

He’s, somehow, the President; can’t we get a tailor that knows how to taper the legs of the manbaby’s pants.

I mean I never said it worked... 


Yeah, the way his super-long neckties rest on his big fat belly really has a “slimming effect”...LOL!

No child deaths for a decade, now 6, arguably 7 and the nation just moves on. This country no longer has a soul. Stick a fork in it. 

Several times I switched up the “What if Obama had...” game and played the “Remember when Obama...” game wherein I mention some horrible thing Obama did, wait for them to agree and then reveal that it was actually Trump that did that. Great fun to watch the confusion on their face. 

.... And he misspelled Khan's name, as if American ignorance needed further highlighting. Ugh, he's just so embarrassing.

He’s just cranky because he’s outside his bubble, out in the big wide world, where Faux News isn’t classified as news because it isn’t news.

I mean, we can play the “Could you imagine if Obama...” game multiple times daily anymore, and I’m genuinely curious if anyone has had that conversation with a Republican friend? How would they even respond to that? Fox News covered the extremely scandalous tan suit for days, and here is Trump calling a major foreign

The President of the United States just called the Mayor of London a “stone cold loser” and then made fun of his height, and this will receive virtually no attention because something like that is so commonplace that it is no longer newsworthy.