Hey, Mexico! Wanna trade presidents?!?
Hey, Mexico! Wanna trade presidents?!?
Russian hotel hard...
Please don’t make me imagine that.
You know how hard Donald got when he heard this news?
This is what you get when you let someone accustomed to applying their “Art of the Deal” tactics to Monopoly games, play in the real world: humans die.
If true Trump will just admire Kim even more... and if in his cabinet would hope he doesn’t take it as inspiration.
I think after a drink or two everyone involved would admit it’s personal. I don’t read barstool either because like the writers here I have a different view of the world than the guys at barstool, but if you click on some of her links up there, you’ll see it’s pretty bad.
“Ed Dohring, the doctor in question, told the New York Times that he had to step around a woman who had just died when he reached the top of Everest and had to wait hours to share the flat part of the summit—which is approximately the size of two ping pong tables—with about 15 to 20 people to get a photo.”
More like America's royal flush.
The one American in the British Royal Family had declined to meet the president. That says it all.
She inherited the resting sneer face, too looks like
“My Campaign for President was conclusively spied on. Nothing like this has ever happened in American Politics”
A Cheney has got to Cheney, yeah? An immutable law of nature.
Fuck all of the assholes that support Trump. You are stupid, gullible and treasonous.
It is wonderful that we can start Memorial Day weekend, a holiday that should be about honoring those who have given their lives in defense of our country, with President Sundowning going out of his way to express his trust and admiration for a family regime that has killed both his own people and United States…
yeah, i was going to point out how the catcher just sort of casually saunters over to the pitcher to check her out.
The fact the 3rd baseman ran and the catcher just kind of sauntered out after putting one between the pitcher’s running lights would lead you to believe this was an assassination attempt.
No, they only named it softball to trick vikings into playing it.